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This is an index of all the persons introduced in the Darumapedia.

. Daruma Pilgrims Gallery .

. Personal names used in Haiku 俳句  .

. WKD : Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .

. WKD : 松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho and his friends .

. WKD SAIJIKI : Memorial Days of Famous People .

and many more

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Gabi Greve
June 2013


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Gotoba Tenno Emperor

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Gotoba Tenno 後鳥羽天皇 / 後鳥羽上皇
(1180 - 1239)

- quote
Emperor Go-Toba 後鳥羽天皇 Go-Toba-tennō
(August 6, 1180 – March 28, 1239) was the 82nd emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
His reign spanned the years from 1183 through 1198.
This 12th-century sovereign was named after Emperor Toba, and go- (後), translates literally as "later"; and thus, he is sometimes called the "Later Emperor Toba".
The Japanese word go has also been translated to mean the "second one"; and in some older sources, this emperor may be identified as "Toba the Second" or as "Toba II".
Go-Toba took the throne at the age of three.
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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. goryoo, onryoo 御霊、怨霊 the vengeful spirits .
According the the records of 太平記 Taiheiki Vo. 25, the following persons are mentioned as Onryo:
宇治悪左府 Uji Akusafu (藤原頼長) Fujiwara no Yorinaga (1120 - 1158)
北野天神 Kita no Tenjin (菅原道真) Sugawara Michizane (845 - 903)
讃岐院 Sanuki no In (崇徳上皇) Sutoku Joko (1119 - 1164)
隠岐院 Oki no In (後鳥羽天皇) Gotoba Tenno (1180 - 1239)
Their sold were all pacified and got their own Shrine to venerate them.
Thus they became the protector deities of the Imperial Family.

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. kyuubi no kitsune 九尾の狐 fox with nine tails .
kyuubi no yooko 九尾の妖狐 a monster fox with 9 tails
A beautiful lady playing tricks on humans was said to be the daughter of
. Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前, 玉藻の前, 玉藻御前) Tamamo no Mae .
who had lived in the times of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno.
Her name was kinmo kubigitsune 金毛九尾狐 fox with nine tails and golden hair.
If an emperor would loose his heart to such a beauty, the land will be lost.

................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
中郡 Naka district 平塚市 Hiratsuka city

. migawari Jizo 身代わり地蔵 Jizo as a subsiture .
During the reign of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno
a person's head was cut of with a sword,
but Jizo came in as a substiture and the man was without a wound.
But the statue of Jizo was bleeding .

................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県
三次市 Miyoshi city 吉舎町 Kisa town

. Legends about Frogs .
kaeru 蛙 the frogs
During the rain season in May, 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno
was on his way to 隠岐の島 the Island of Oki for his exile.
The frogs in the wet fields were so loud he could not sleep.
So the Emperor begged the frogs:
"If you are sincere, please stop your noisy croaking."
The noisy frogs soon stopped their croaking.
And now, many hundred years later, the frogs are still not croaking.

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県

. Waka 和歌 Waka poetry .
When 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno visited 善福寺 the Temple Zenpuku-Ji
he was interested to hear the voices of the frogs in the pond.
But the wind was strong and he could not hear anything.
He wrote the following Waka poem :
kawazu naku Katsuta no ike no yudatami kikamashi mono o matsukaze no oto
The chirping frogs
on the banks of Katsuta pond
make me long for
the sound of the wind in the pine trees.
Now the sound of the wind stopped.

................................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県

犬上郡 Inukami district 多賀町 Taga town

enmeishu 莚命酒 the origin of the term "enmei shu"
During the reign of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno there lived a priest in Yamato
who was called 俊乗坊重源 Shunjobo Chogen (? - 1206).
He had helped with the reconstruction of the Daibutsu Hall at 東大寺 the Temple Todaiji in Nara,
where he made a vow not to die until it was completed.
He went to 多賀大社 the Great Shrine at Taga for a retreat.
At a special miracle, he received the letter 「莚」 EN.
After 14 years the building was compleded.
He brewed miki 神酒 a rice wine for the Deities and callled it
莚命酒 Enmeishu, life-prolonging rice wine.
- - -life prolonging, now known as 莚命長寿 / 延命長寿
source : sakenotaga.co.jp ...

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Chōgen (重源) (1121-1206), also known as Shunjōbō Chōgen (俊乗坊重源),
was a Japanese Buddhist monk. From 1181 he devoted twenty-five years of his life to the endowment and rebuilding of Tōdai-ji after its destruction in war.
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. Priest Chōgen Shunjōbō 重源俊乗坊 .

................................................................................. Shimane 島根県
隠岐郡 Oki district 海士町 Ama town

蛙の声をとめる和歌 a Waka poem to stop the frogs from croaking
When 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno was exiled to 隠岐 Oki Island,
he wrote the following Waka poem:
The frogs of Katsuta Pond do not make a noise till our day.
And the wind does not produce a sound in the branches of 松の枝 the pine trees.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Persons, People and their legends - - ABC list .


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Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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Georges Ferdinand Bigot ジョルジュ・フェルディナン・ビゴー
(1860 - 1927)

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a French cartoonist, illustrator and artist.
Although almost unknown in his native country, Bigot is famous in Japan for his satirical cartoons, which depict life in Meiji period Japan.
Bigot was born in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, France and was encouraged into the arts by his mother. At the age of twelve, he was accepted by the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he was trained by artists such as Jean-Léon Gérôme and Carolus-Duran. While in school, Bigot was introduced to Japonism and befriended a number of collectors of Japanese art.
He was also impressed with the Japanese pavilion at the Exposition Universelle (1878), all of which aroused in him a strong interest to move to Japan.
In order to pay for the trip, he became an illustrator for newspapers, La Vie Moderne and The World Parisien and sold illustrations for Émile Zola's novel Nana. Bigot arrived in Yokohama in 1882. On arrival, he took lessons in the Japanese language and Japanese painting, and taught watercolor painting to students at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy as an oyatoi gaikokujin. He also sold illustrations to Japanese newspapers, and issued an illustrated book Japanese Sketches.
On the expiry of his government teaching job, he found employment as a French language teacher at a school run by the writer and liberal political philosopher Nakae Chōmin.
He also traveled extensively around Japan.
In 1887, Bigot published a satirical magazine, Tōbaé, in which he illustrated mostly scenes of everyday Japanese life, but also ridiculed Japanese politicians and what he felt to be excesses of in the Westernization of Japan.
The newspaper had to be published in Yokohama for fear of Japanese censors.
During the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Bigot traveled to Korea on special assignment from the English magazine London Graphic.
In 1895, Bigot married Masu Sano and fathered a son named Maurice.
However, with the revision of the unequal treaties and the end of extraterritoriality in Japan in 1899, Bigot decided to return to France.
He divorced his wife, but kept custody of their son. After his return to France, he worked for Le Chat Noir and other French magazines and newspapers. He also provided cartoons depicting the Second Boer War and the Russo-Japanese War.
On retirement, he moved to Bièvres, Essonne, where he died in 1927.
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Georges Bigot and Japan, 1882-1899 Satirist, Illustrator and Artist Extraordinaire
edited by Christian Polak and Hugh Cortazzi
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Incorporating over 250 illustrations, this is the first comprehensive study in English of French artist and caricaturist George Ferdinand Bigot (1860-1927) who, during the last two decades of the nineteenth century, was renowned in Japan but barely known in his own country.
Even today, examples of his cartoons appear in Japanese school textbooks.
Inspired by what he saw of Japanese culture and way of life at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1878, Bigot managed to find his way to Japan in 1882 and immediately set about developing his career as an artist working in pen and ink, watercolours and oils.
He also quickly exploited his talent as a highly skilled sketch artist and cartoonist.
His output was prodigious and included regular commissions from The Graphic and various Japanese as well as French journals.
He left Japan in 1899, never to return. The volume includes a full introduction of the life, work and artistry of Bigot by Christian Polak, together with an essay by Hugh Cortazzi on Charles Wirgman, publisher of Japan Punch. Wirgman was Bigot's 'predecessor' and friend (he launched his own satirical magazine Tôbaé in 1887, the year Japan Punch closed).
Georges Bigot and Japan also makes a valuable contribution to Meiji Studies and the history of both Franco- and Anglo-Japanese relations, as well as the role of art in modern international relations.
- source : isdistribution.com... -


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Charles Wirgman (1832 - 1891)
was an English artist and cartoonist, the creator of the Japan Punch and illustrator in China and Meiji period-Japan for the Illustrated London News.
Wirgman was the eldest son of Ferdinand Charles Wirgman (1806–57) and brother of Theodore Blake Wirgman. He married Ozawa Kane in 1863, and the couple had one son.
Wirgman arrived in Japan in 1861 as a correspondent for the Illustrated London News, and resided in Yokohama from 1861 until his death.
He published the first magazine in Japan, the Japan Punch, monthly between 1862 and spring 1887.
Like its British namesake, the magazine was written in a humorous, often satirical manner, and was illustrated with Wirgman's cartoons.
Wirgman formed a partnership called "Beato & Wirgman, Artists and Photographers" with Felice Beato from 1864 to 1867.
Wirgman again produced illustrations derived from Beato's photographs while Beato photographed some of Wirgman's sketches and other works.
Wirgman taught western-style drawing and painting techniques to a number of Japanese artists, possibly including the ukiyo-e artist Kobayashi Kiyochika.
From 1865 he had Goseda Yoshimatsu and Kanō Tomonobu as his pupils.
In 1866 he taught Takahashi Yuichi, sponsoring his work for the International Exposition of 1867.
He also was briefly an English tutor, most notably to the future Admiral Tōgō, then a young cadet.
In the 1860s, he accompanied British envoy Sir Ernest Satow on a number of journeys around Japan as described in Satow's Diplomat in Japan.
Wirgman's grave is in the Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery.
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Shomu Tenno Emperor

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Shoomu Tennoo, Shōmu Tennō 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno
(707 - 755 )

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Emperor Shōmu (聖武天皇, Shōmu-tennō, 701 – June 4, 756)
was the 45th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Shōmu's reign spanned the years 724 through 749, during the Nara period.
743 (Tenpyō 15):
The Emperor issues a rescript to build the Daibutsu (Great Buddha), later to be completed at Tōdai-ji, Nara.
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. Temple 極楽寺 Gokuraku-Ji .
Yamaguchi, 岩国市周東町上久原神幡 / Iwakuni, Shuto town, Shimo-Kubara, Kamihata
During the reign of 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno this temple was greatly enlarged
and had 24 sub-temples. It was called 二井寺山 Niiderazan.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. reiki 霊亀 a mysterious turtle, spirit turtle, divine turtle .
In the year 729 of the regency of 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno, reiki 霊亀 a divine turtle with the inscription
Tenno Kihei Chi Hyakunen 天王貴平知百年 "The Tenno shall be known for 100 Years" was offered.

................................................................................. Chiba 千葉県
印旛郡 Imba district

Matsumushi Hime 松蟲姫 (マツムシヒメ)) Princess Matsumushi
The third daughter of 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno was called 松蟲姫 Matsumushi Hime.
She was hated by her stepmother and became seriously ill.
A Samurai from the North wanted her as a wife and took her ot Kanto, but she died.
To appease her soul, he built 松蟲寺 the Temple Matsumushidera (Matsumushi-Dera)

- reference source : matsumushi.com ... -
matsumushi 松虫 "pine cricket" (Xenogryllus marmoratus) and bell cricket (Meloimorpha japonicus)

................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
川崎市 Kawasaki city 中原区 Nakahara ward

. yoogooseki 影向石 Yogoseki Stone with image of Yakushi Nyorai .

................................................................................. Nagasaki 長崎県
諫早市 Isahaya city / 飯盛町 Iimori town

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .
During the reign of 聖武天皇 the Emperor Shomu Tenno there was a large tsunami,
which covered the village of 田結村 Tayui with mud from the sea.
The statue of Sho Kannon 聖観音 in the village temple felt great compassion
and protected the village, putting a bamboo fence around the rice fields.
Thus the village was saved from the worst damage.

................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府

shinryuu 神龍 Shinryu Dragon Deity
聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno had a dream about a Kannon statue in the West of 平城京 Heijokyo.
He ordered Saint Gyoki Bosatsu to find the statue.
Gyoki held a ritual and then went to the mountain.
He was let by 16 Temple acolytes and came to the right place.
At that moment the mountain was rivers were trembling and shinryuu 神龍 a Shinryu Dragon Deity appeared.
The Dragon handed the statue to Gyoki and swore to protect the Buddhist Religion.
When the Emperor heard this, he was very moved, built a temple and venerated the Kannon Statue there.
. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 -749) .
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
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Heijō-kyō (平城京, also Heizei-kyō, sometimes Nara no miyako) was the Capital of Japan
during most of the Nara period, from 710–40 and again from 745–84.

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aka ki 閼伽器 a container for holy water
When the disciple of 良弁僧正 Priest Roben, 実忠和尚 Priest Jitchu passed the Osaka area,
a special aka ki 閼伽器 container for holy water was washed on the shore.
When he picked it up, he saw a statue of Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Kannon with 11 Heads on it.
The statue was very warm.
When 聖武天皇 the Emperor Shomu Tenno heard about this, the had 東大寺 the Temple Todai-Ji built
to venerate the statue.
. Temple Todai-Ji and Priest Roben .
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

. Famous Buddhist Priests - ABC-List .


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Kano Painters

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Kano 狩野派 the Kano School of Painters
. the Kano Painters .
Kano Motonobu 狩野元信 - Kohogen 古法眼 (1434 - 1530)
Kano Eitoku 狩野永徳 (1534 - 1590)
Kano Yukinobu 狩野雪信 - Kiyohara Yukinobu 清原雪信 (1643 - 1682) - woman painter
Kano Kazunobu 狩野一信 (1816 - 1863)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - This is the most famous tale, told in many places:
Once 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen painted ema 絵馬 a votive tablet of a horse.
But the horse left the plate every night and devastated the fields.
So eventually he painted some golden braidle to keep it in place.

It is also told about other animals, for example taka 鷲 an eagle flying away.

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県
弘前市 Hirosaki city

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
At 革秀寺 the Temple Kakushu-Ji there was a painting of unryuu 雲竜 Unryu, a cloud dragon.
The dragon would go out every night to the nearby pond to drink.
To keep it in place, they put nails into its eyes.
- Homepage : kakusyuji.or. ... -

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
益田郡 Mashita district 下呂町 Gero

Once 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen painted a votive tablet of a horse.
But the horse left the plate every night and devastated the fields.
So eventually he painted some golden braidle to keep it in place.

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都
狩野元信 Kano Motonobu

Kurama soojoo 鞍馬僧正 a priest from Kurama
Once the Tokugawa Shogun had a dream. He saw 鞍馬僧正 a high priest from Kurama.
The priest asked to have his portrait painted by 狩野元信 Kano Motonobu
and hang the painting in the temple.
When the Shogun told this to Motonobu, he said he had the same dream.
But Motonobu could not paint the priest.
Suddenly a spider came from the ceiling and walked on the paper, making patterns.
Now Motonobu remembered and could paint the priest.

................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
比企郡 Hiki district 川島町 Kawajima town

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
狩野法眼 Kano Hogen had painted a mortuary tablet with a dragon for 比企家 the Hiki clan.
But the dragon left every night and devastated the fields.
They had to cut its neck to keep him fixed to the canopy.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
37 狩狩 to explore


. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art from Japan . 

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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Azechi Umetaro Painter

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Azechi Umetaro 畦地梅太郎
(1902 - 1999)

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Umetaro Azechi a Japanese printmaker and mountain climber. He was known for his prints of mountains and people who live in them.
Azechi was born on December 28, 1902 to a poor farming family in what is now Uwajima, Ehime. He enrolled in an art correspondence course where he would send his work to Tokyo for critique. In 1920 he had the opportunity to move there, but returned home to Shikoku after the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. He moved back to Tokyo in 1925, where he worked for a printing company.
Azechi's prints were noticed by Unichi Hiratsuka, who took him under his wing. He belonged to the Japan Print Association and the Kokugakai Arts Association. After his works were shown in some of their exhibitions, he quit his job and became a freelance artist. During this time, he was heavily influenced by Maegawa Sempan and Kōshirō Onchi.
During World War II, Azechi was sent to Manchuria. When he returned to Japan, he also immediately returned to making art.
Azechi's work was shown at the São Paulo Art Biennial in 1953. It was also shown at the Lugano International Print Biennial in 1956.
Azechi died on April 12, 1999. The Umetaro Azechi memorial museum opened in Uwajima in 2003.
- Style
His early work was reflective of the monochrome sosaku hanga style. He began to develop his own style in the late 1930s. Azechi became known for his paintings of mountains and the people who live there. He became a regular mountain climber, and became well-known for his writing on the topic. His art style was primitive, but intentionally so in the same way as the naive artists. He used the same striped patterns on both people and animals, showing the similarities between the two. Because he did so many landscapes and art depicting the natural world, he used mostly cool colors like blues, greens, and purples.
Museums that hold Azechi's works include the Museum of Modern Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the British Museum.
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畦地梅太郎の郷里である愛媛の山々や奥秩父、北アルプスなどの山行を綴った47編におよぶ紀行随想集。 文章に合わせて随所に挿絵が入り、絵本の体裁にしてあって、見ているだけでも楽しい。 1957年、朋文堂から『山の眼玉』が初めて刊行され、後に1986年、美術出版社版では『山の目玉』と改題されるが、 「平凡社ライブラリー」版で再度『山の眼玉』にもどされた。 「平凡社ライブラリー」版も口絵にカラー8ページを使い、代表的な畦地ワールドを再現しているが、 今回は「山男シリーズ」など、カラー口絵で16ページ組み、読者にさらに親近感をもたせた内容になっている。
source : amazon com




Daruma だるま
. Daruma Museum Japan .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県

私の郷里のカッパの話 Stories about the Kappa in my Hometown
A man from outside went to the river side to catch namazu 鯰 catfish, but he drowned. This was the bad deed of a Kappa, said the villagers.
The horse of another villager was pulled into the river by the Kappa, but the farmer pulled the horse back and saved it.

. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art from Japan . 

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .

. Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no bigaku 日本の美学 .


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Udagawa Yoan

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Udagawa Yooan, Udagawa Yōan 宇田川榕菴 Udagawa Yoan
(1798 - 1846)

- quote
a 19th-century Japanese scholar of Western studies, or "Rangaku". In 1837, he published the first volume of his Introduction to Chemistry (舎密開宗 Seimi Kaisō), a compilation of scientific books in Dutch, which describes a wide range of scientific knowledge from the West. Most of the Dutch original material appears to be derived from William Henry's 1799 Elements of Experimental Chemistry. In particular, the book contains a very detailed description of the electric battery invented by Volta forty years earlier in 1800. The battery itself was constructed by Udagawa in 1831 and used in experiments, including medical ones, based on a belief that electricity could help cure illnesses.

Udagawa's Science of Chemistry also reports for the first time in details the findings and theories of Lavoisier in Japan. Accordingly, Udagawa made numerous scientific experiments and created new scientific terms, which are still in current use in modern scientific Japanese: e.g., “oxygen” (酸素 sanso), “hydrogen” (水素 suiso), “nitrogen” (窒素 chisso), “carbon” (炭素 tanso), “oxidation” (酸化 sanka), “reduction” (還元 kangen), “saturation” (飽和 hōwa), “dissolution” (溶解 yōkai) and “element” (元素 genso).
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Tsuyama Archives of Western Learning 津山洋学資料館

- reference source : tsuyama-yougaku.jp -

- Other doctors and scientists from Tsuyama -

宇田川興斎 Udagawa Yosai (1821 - 1887)
久原洪哉 Kuhara Kosai (1825 - 1896)
仁木永祐 Nigi Eisuke (1830 - 1902)
宇田川準一 Udagawa Junichi (1848 - 1913)


Udagawa Yoan and Coffee

The origin of the Chinese characters for coffee 珈琲

- reference source : nsh-s.com/wp... -

In Okayama there was a school for rangaku 蘭学 Dutch learning of the West.
One of the masters there was 宇田川榕菴 Udagawa Yoan.
He knew the Dutch word koffie and introduced the Kanji for it.
There are now sometimes memorial services in a temple, where coffee is offered to the ancestors and the visitors
- but in tea cups of the time.

. Coffee, Kaffee and Haiku .

津山藩主松平家菩提所 天崇山 泰安寺 Taian-Ji

Offering Coffee at the temple
. 泰安寺 Taian-Ji .


Mead, Mede in the Edo Period in Japan ミード / 蜂蜜酒 
During a recent research an essay was found in the Archives of Western Learning in the city of Tsuyama in Western Japan. One of the doctors working for the local feudal lord, Yudagawa Yoan (1798-1846), had studied European medicine and even introduced coffee to Japan.
He has written the following report about Mead, which he called MEDE:
Mead is an alcoholic beverage created by fermenting honey with water.
- Read the details here :
. Gabi Greve .


He also distinguished four different types of onsen 温泉 hot springs
salt, sulfur, alkali and plain hot

Yoan wrote about 諸国温泉試説 different types of hot springs when he was 29 years old.
- reference source : tsuyama-yougaku.jp... -

- source : iloveyu.jp/type-of-hot-springs... -


- Reference - 宇田川榕菴 -
- Reference - Udagawa Yoan -


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Fu Daishi Fudaishi Fu Ta-Shi

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Fudaishi 傅大士 Fu Daishi, Fu Ta-Shi, Budaishi
(c. 490 – c. 560)

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a Chinese Buddhist monk who was later deified as the Japanese patron deity of libraries.

He is traditionally accredited with the invention of the rinzō (輪蔵), a system of revolving shelving used in Kyōzō libraries. He is often represented alongside his sons, Fuwaku and Fukon.
Fudaishi is noted for his "lecture" on the Diamond Sutra, recorded in the Hekiganroku (Record of the Blue Cliffs). According to this account, Fudaishi was invited to speak by the Emperor Bu-tei. He stepped up to the lectern, struck it a blow with his staff, and then returned to his seat without speaking a word.
He is regarded as in incarnation of Miroku, the Waiting Buddha.
- Reference in the WIKIPEDIA !


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Ch: Fu Daishi. Buddhist Master Fu or Great Teacher Fu.
The Chinese Buddhist layman Fu Xi (Jp: Fu Kyuu 傅翕; 497-569) credited with inventing revolving sutra shelves.
Thus images of him are often placed in or near sutra repositories. Wearing Chinese Tang dynasty attire, Fu Daishi is frequently shown with his two sons Fucheng (Jp: Fujou 普成) and Fujian (Jp: Fuken 普建).
Often depicted with a laughing face,
Fu Dashi is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha or waraibotoke 笑い仏.
- source : JAANUS -

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Hotei, the laughing Buddha, is most likely based on
the itinerant 10th-century Chinese Buddhist monk and hermit Budaishi (d. 917),
who is said to be an incarnation of Miroku Bodhisattva (Maitreya in Sanskrit).
- source : Mark Schumacher -

. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai, Budai - Introduction.


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傅翕 Fu Xi (傅大士 Fu Dashi, 497-569) / 心王銘 Xinwang ming
(Rōmaji:) Fukyū (Fu-daishi): Shinnōmei
(English:) Mind-King Inscription / Inscription on the Mind King / Faith in the Mind’s Ruler
(Magyar átírás:) Fu Hszi (Fu Ta-si): Hszin-vang ming

- Mind-King Inscription -
snip snip
Gâthâs of Bodhisattva Shan-hui (善慧), better known as Fu Ta-shih (傅大士)
Empty-handed I go and yet the spade is in my hands;
I walk on foot, and yet on the back of an ox I am riding:
When I pass over the bridge,
Lo, the water floweth not, but the bridge doth flow.

Translated by D. T. Suzuki (Essays in Zen Buddhism – First Series, p. 272)

傅大士 Fu-daishi
with his twin sons, shown clapping their hands and laughing, are sometimes called
Fuwaku (or Fuken 普建・普現) and Fukon (or Fujō 普成・普淨)
in Seiryō-ji Temple - Saga Shaka-dō Temple (清凉寺 - 嵯峨釈迦堂), Kyoto

A legend relates,
against all the evidence, that Fu-daishi was the inventor of the buildings intended to contain the sūtras. This kyōzō (経蔵) building in Japanese Buddhist architecture is a repository for sūtras and chronicles of the temple history. It is also called kyōko (経庫), kyōdō (経堂), or zōden (蔵殿).
A revolving sūtra storage case is called rinzō (輪蔵, wheel repository; rotating libraries).
Revolving shelves are convenient because they allow priests and monks to select the needed sūtra quickly. Eventually, in some kyōzō the faithful were permitted to push the shelves around the pillar while praying — it was believed that they could receive religious edification without actually reading the sūtras.

- More of the poems and lectures by Fu Daishi
- source : terebess.hu/zen/fuxi... -


kyōzō 経蔵 Kyozo, repository of religious writings -

Kamakura, Hasedera

. maniguruma 摩尼車 prayer wheel .
There are some large prayer wheels in many temples, where copies of the Sutras are kept. You can walk around them, pushing the spokes while you walk to spin the wheel and have your prayers reach heaven.


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Fu Ta-shih - [傅大士] (497–569) (PY Fu Dashi; Jpn Fu-daishi)
A lay Buddhist in China who was revered as a Reincarnation of Bodhisattva Maitreya. He won the respect of Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty, who was a devout Buddhist. His real name was Fu Hsi, and he was commonly known as Fu Ta-shih (ta-shih means great man). A layperson with a wife and children, he was not only an earnest practitioner of Buddhism but also a philanthropist, generously bestowing his own Wealth upon the people. When he erected Shuang-lin-ssu temple, he built a Sutra repository on the premises to house the entire collection of Buddhist scriptures. The repository was unique in that it had a revolving stand with eight faces for storing the scriptures.
Later many temples adopted this type of Sutra repository.
- source : chinabuddhismencyclopedia... -


- Reference - fudaishi chinese -
- Reference - 傅大士 -


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Hayakawa Noritsugu Tokuji

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Hayakawa Noritsugu 早川徳次(のりつぐ)
(1881 - 1942)
(The characters 徳次 can also be read Tokuji, see below.)

He is renowned for funding the construction of Japan's first subway system, now known as the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, which opened in 1927.

「地下鉄の父」 The Father of the Subway in Tokyo

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Noritsugu Hayakawa, builder of Asia’s first underground railway, is considered the father of subways in Japan.
was an apprentice of “railway king” Kaichiro Nezu, the founder of Tobu Railways.
Impressed by the subways he saw while touring Europe in the 1910s, upon his return to Japan Hayakawa began fiercely lobbying for Tokyo to build its own system.
After obtaining a license, he established the Tokyo Underground Railway Co. in 1920. The first underground rail link connected Asakusa and Ueno in 1927.
This is now known as the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.
- source : japantimes.co.jp/news/2010... -


だるまは鼻の下にひげを生やし . . . Daruma with a beard in his honor - 2018

A group of about 50 local people has formed in 2017, making papermachee Daruma dolls.

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source : asahi.com/articles...



Hayakawa Tokuji 早川徳次
(1893 - 1980)

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Tokuji Hayakawa (早川 徳次 Hayakawa Tokuji, November 3, 1893 - June 24, 1980)
was a Japanese businessman and the founder of Hayakawa Kinzoku Kōgyō (the present-day Sharp Corporation). He invented and patented the “Tokubijō” belt buckle in 1912 (a belt which can fasten without perforating) and invented the "Ever Ready Sharp" mechanical pencil (from which his company would later get its name from) in 1915.

The success of the “Tokubijō” belt buckle led to Hayakawa starting his own metallurgical processing, which then developed into the present-day Sharp Corporation.

Tokuji Hayakawa was born in Tokyo in 1893. Due to difficult domestic circumstances, he was adopted by the Ideno family. It was not until he grew up, however, that he learned of this. He left primary school after second grade due to his family’s poverty, and was apprenticed to a maker of metallic ornaments. He worked diligently there to improve both his skill in metalwork and understanding of the trade, earning the trust of his master.

Though the buckle had been used since ancient times for such accessories as armor and shoes, it started to be used on belts for boys’ trousers in the 15th century and came to be used in women’s clothes in the 19th century. It took two forms: practical and decorated. When Hayakawa launched his buckle in 1912, demand in Japan for the buckle increased with the spread of Western-style fashions.

Hayakawa and other artisans, however, had not yet had a chance to wear Western-style clothes and belts.
Hayakawa happened to notice a silent film actor whose belt had come undone. This inspired him to spend time after work inventing a new belt that could be fastened to any length.

As a result, he developed a buckle that used a roller to fasten a belt without puncturing it. His master admired his inventiveness and recommended that Tokuji apply for a patent. He suggested the name “Tokubijō” adopting one character of Tokuji.

The first order for the Tokubijō buckle was huge — 33 grosses or 4,752 in total. Because of the pressures to deliver his product on time, Tokuji decided to go independent. He borrowed most of the capital independently and launched his own shop in September, 1912. He introduced industrial presses, hired workmen and delivered new orders with no interruption. He was able to promptly retire his debt. He continued to improve his manufacturing process and expand his business into a bigger plant.

In 1913, Hayakawa acquired the patent of an innovative water faucet, and in 1915, he developed the prototype of the sharp automatic pencil still sold today. Afterwards he demonstrated managerial genius, expanding his enterprise into electronics manufacturing of world-famous radios, tape-recorders and televisions. He was active in social welfare programs. He died in 1980 at the age of 86.
- source : wikipedia -


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