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Gotoba Tenno 後鳥羽天皇 / 後鳥羽上皇
(1180 - 1239)
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Emperor Go-Toba 後鳥羽天皇 Go-Toba-tennō
(August 6, 1180 – March 28, 1239) was the 82nd emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
His reign spanned the years from 1183 through 1198.
This 12th-century sovereign was named after Emperor Toba, and go- (後), translates literally as "later"; and thus, he is sometimes called the "Later Emperor Toba".
The Japanese word go has also been translated to mean the "second one"; and in some older sources, this emperor may be identified as "Toba the Second" or as "Toba II".
Go-Toba took the throne at the age of three.
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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. goryoo, onryoo 御霊、怨霊 the vengeful spirits .
According the the records of 太平記 Taiheiki Vo. 25, the following persons are mentioned as Onryo:
宇治悪左府 Uji Akusafu (藤原頼長) Fujiwara no Yorinaga (1120 - 1158)
北野天神 Kita no Tenjin (菅原道真) Sugawara Michizane (845 - 903)
讃岐院 Sanuki no In (崇徳上皇) Sutoku Joko (1119 - 1164)
隠岐院 Oki no In (後鳥羽天皇) Gotoba Tenno (1180 - 1239)
Their sold were all pacified and got their own Shrine to venerate them.
Thus they became the protector deities of the Imperial Family.
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. kyuubi no kitsune 九尾の狐 fox with nine tails .
kyuubi no yooko 九尾の妖狐 a monster fox with 9 tails
A beautiful lady playing tricks on humans was said to be the daughter of
. Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前, 玉藻の前, 玉藻御前) Tamamo no Mae .
who had lived in the times of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno.
Her name was kinmo kubigitsune 金毛九尾狐 fox with nine tails and golden hair.
If an emperor would loose his heart to such a beauty, the land will be lost.
................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
中郡 Naka district 平塚市 Hiratsuka city
. migawari Jizo 身代わり地蔵 Jizo as a subsiture .
During the reign of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno
a person's head was cut of with a sword,
but Jizo came in as a substiture and the man was without a wound.
But the statue of Jizo was bleeding .
................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県
三次市 Miyoshi city 吉舎町 Kisa town
. Legends about Frogs .
kaeru 蛙 the frogs
During the rain season in May, 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno
was on his way to 隠岐の島 the Island of Oki for his exile.
The frogs in the wet fields were so loud he could not sleep.
So the Emperor begged the frogs:
"If you are sincere, please stop your noisy croaking."
The noisy frogs soon stopped their croaking.
And now, many hundred years later, the frogs are still not croaking.
................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
. Waka 和歌 Waka poetry .
When 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno visited 善福寺 the Temple Zenpuku-Ji
he was interested to hear the voices of the frogs in the pond.
But the wind was strong and he could not hear anything.
He wrote the following Waka poem :
kawazu naku Katsuta no ike no yudatami kikamashi mono o matsukaze no oto
The chirping frogs
on the banks of Katsuta pond
make me long for
the sound of the wind in the pine trees.
Now the sound of the wind stopped.
................................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県
犬上郡 Inukami district 多賀町 Taga town
enmeishu 莚命酒 the origin of the term "enmei shu"
During the reign of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno there lived a priest in Yamato
who was called 俊乗坊重源 Shunjobo Chogen (? - 1206).
He had helped with the reconstruction of the Daibutsu Hall at 東大寺 the Temple Todaiji in Nara,
where he made a vow not to die until it was completed.
He went to 多賀大社 the Great Shrine at Taga for a retreat.
At a special miracle, he received the letter 「莚」 EN.
After 14 years the building was compleded.
He brewed miki 神酒 a rice wine for the Deities and callled it
莚命酒 Enmeishu, life-prolonging rice wine.
- - -life prolonging, now known as 莚命長寿 / 延命長寿
source : sakenotaga.co.jp ...
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Chōgen (重源) (1121-1206), also known as Shunjōbō Chōgen (俊乗坊重源),
was a Japanese Buddhist monk. From 1181 he devoted twenty-five years of his life to the endowment and rebuilding of Tōdai-ji after its destruction in war.
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. Priest Chōgen Shunjōbō 重源俊乗坊 .
................................................................................. Shimane 島根県
隠岐郡 Oki district 海士町 Ama town
蛙の声をとめる和歌 a Waka poem to stop the frogs from croaking
When 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno was exiled to 隠岐 Oki Island,
he wrote the following Waka poem:
The frogs of Katsuta Pond do not make a noise till our day.
And the wind does not produce a sound in the branches of 松の枝 the pine trees.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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