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Sabieru ザビエル Saint Francis Xavier, 聖ザビエル

SACHIO, Ito Sachio 伊藤佐千夫 18 September 1864 - 30 July 1913)
Tanka poet and novelist. - Sachio Ki 左千夫忌

. Sada Yakko 川上貞奴 Kawakami Sada Yakko .

Sagara Tookyuu 相楽等躬 Sagara Tokyu at Sukagawa 須賀川

Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 (Saichoo, Dengyoo Daishi) 

三穂太郎満祐 Sanbo Taro Mitsusuke - Okayama Giant Hero
member of one of the seven branches of the Mimasaka Kan clan - 美作菅家七流.

Saiga Magoichi - Saika Magoichi  雑賀孫市 / 孫一 / Suzuki Magoichi 鈴木 孫一 (1534 - 1589) gun marksman

. Saigō Takamori 西郷隆盛 Saigo Takamori . (1827 — 1877)
Nanshuu Ki 南洲忌 - Saigoo Ki 西郷忌 - Takamori Ki 隆盛忌 - Samurai from Satsuma

 Saigyoo Hooshi (西行法師) and the Cherry Blossoms The Poet Saigyo

Saikaku, Ibara Saikaku, Ihara Saikaku 井原西鶴 lit. "Crane of the West" 1642–1693
Saikaku Ki 西鶴忌

SAIMARO, Shiigamoto Saimaro 椎本才麿 (しいがもとさいまろ)
(1656-1738) Poet from Osaka - Saimaro Ki 才麿忌

Saitoo Bettoo Sanemori 斎藤別当実盛 Saito Betto Sanemori (? - 1183)

Saitoo Sanki 西東三鬼 Saito Sanki (1900-1962) Saitoo Ki 西東忌 - Sanki no Ki三鬼の忌
. Saitoo Iemon 齋藤伊右衛門忠嘉 Saito Iemon .
- amulets against snake bite in Edo

. Sakagami Hime 逆髪姫 "Princess with hair standing on end" .

Sakai Hoitsu 酒井抱一 Sakai Hooitsu (1761 - 1829)

Sakai Yamei 坂井野明 (1662-1713)

Sakamoto Ryoma 坂本竜馬 (Ryooma) (1836 - 1867)

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanouye no Tamuramaro (758 - 811)
- General, subduing Tohoku

Sakata Kintoki 坂田金時 - Kintaro 金太郎 "The Golden Boy"

Sakurai Baishitsu 桜井梅室 (1769-1852)

SAKUTAROO, Hagiwara Sakutaro 萩原朔太郎
(1886 - 1942, May 11) free verse poet - Sakutaro Ki 朔太郎忌

Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村 (1567 - June 3, 1615) and Shogun Daruma 武将達磨
Sanada Maru 真田丸 fortification in Osaka

Santoka Taneda Santoka (Taneda Santooka) 種田山頭火 (1882-1940)
Poet. Santooka Ki 山頭火忌
..... Shinjin Datsuraku and the Begging Bowl

SANTEI 三汀忌, Kume Santei 久米三汀 - Masao Kume (久米正雄)
February 29. 1891 - 1925. Writer of the Meiji Period. Santei Ki 三汀忌

Sanyūtei Enchō 三遊亭圓朝 Sanyutei Encho (1839 - 1900) - Rakugo
. Sarumaru Dayū, Sarumaru Taiyuu 猿丸大夫 . - Poet. Heian period

Sasaki Dōyō Takauji 佐々木 道誉 / 佐々木 高氏 Sasaki Doyo- Sasaki Dōyō
(1296 ?1306 - 1373) ..... Basara Daimyo 婆娑羅大名

. Sasaki Takatsuna 佐々木高綱 (1160 - 1214) .

. Sasara Sanpachi 佐々良三八 and the God of Smallpox 疱瘡神 .

Satoo Kooroku 佐藤紅緑 Sato Koroku (1874 - 1949) Haiku poet. Kooroku Ki 紅緑忌

Satoo Tsugenobu Satō Tsugunobu 佐藤継信 (1150 - 1185)
Retainer of Minamoto Yoshitsune.

. Satow, Ernest Satow - Sir Ernest Mason Satow . (30 June 1843 - 26 August 1929)
(30 June 1843 - 26 August 1929) - アーネスト・サトウ (Asnesuto Satoo)
British scholar, diplomat and Japanologist.

Seckel, Dietrich Seckel Professor für Ostasiatische Kunstsgeschichte

. Sei Shōnagon, Sei Shoonagon 清少納言 Sei Shonagon (966 - 1017) .
- - - - - The Pillow Book (枕草子 Makura no Sōshi)

Seiga 清賀上人 Priest from India - Nara period

SEIGETSU, Murakami Seigetsu 村上霽月 Murakami Hantaroo - February 15.1869-1946 // Seigetsu Ki 霽月忌

SEIHOO, Shimada Seiho 嶋田青峰 May 31. 1882 - 1944.
Haiku Poet. Seihoo Ki 青峰忌

Seishi, Lady Seishi 西施

Sekino Yoshiharu 関野吉晴 Modern Adventurer and doctor

SEKITEI, Hara Sekitei 原石鼎 December 20. (1889 ~ 1951)
Haiku poet. Sekitei Ki 石鼎忌

. SEMIMARU 蝉丸. 蝉丸法師 died 5月24日 . in Otsu - Semimaru Ki 蝉丸忌 - kami no soshin 髪の祖神 first deity for hair problems

Sen Rikyuu, Sen Rikyū 千利休 Sen Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu  (1522 - 1591) Tea Master

Sen Sotan 千宗旦 Tea Master (1578-1658)
.....Sotangitsune 宗旦狐 Sotan Kitsune

Sendai Shiroo 仙台四郎 / 仙臺四郎 Sendai Shiro
- - - - - 芳賀四郎 Haga Shiro (1855 - 1902)

- - - sendoo sendō 船頭 Sendo, boatsman, ferryman, chief fisherman

Sengai Gibon せんがい 仙厓義梵 (1751–1837) Sengai and Zen and a Frog

Sengin 蝉吟 (1642 - 1666) "Cicada poet"

Sennin 仙人 Mountain Hermits and Recluses
Chōkarō Sennin 張果老仙人 Chokaro Sennin // 蝦蟇仙人 Gama Sennin ...

Sen Rikyu, Sen no Rikyū 千利休 Sen Rikyū - tea master

Serizawa Keisuke 芹沢鮭介 - (1895 - 1984) - textile designer

. Sesshuu, Sesshū Tōyō 雪舟等楊; Sesshu - Oda Toyo (1420 – 1506) . Painter

. Setouchi Jakuchoo 瀬戸内寂聴 Setouchi Jakucho . (1922 - 2021 ) - Author, Buddhist priestess


Sharaku 東洲斎写楽 active 1794-95 woodblock artist

Shayo (Shioe Shayoo) 潮江車要 Pupil of Matsuo Basho
. . . . . Hamada Chinseki / Shadoo 浜田珍夕/珍碩(洒堂) / Yuutoo 膳所游刀 from Omi

Shiba Sonome 斯波園女 (1664-1726)

Shibata Katsuie 柴田勝家 Samurai. ((1522 – 1583)

Shibata, Kyoko Shibata 柴田恭子 Gallery of handmade dolls

Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真 (1806 - 1891) painter, artist

Shibayama Seifuu 柴山清風 Shibayama Seifu (1901 - 1969) - Potter from Tokoname
- Reference -

Shibukawa Shunkai 渋川春海 Shibukawa Harumi - (1639 - 1715) astronomer and go player

Shibuya Tokushige Kedo-In 渋谷(祁答院)徳重 around 1459, Samurai

. Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

Shichiruido Tenkei 七類堂天谿 Painter

Shida Yaba 志太野坡 . (1662 - 1740) Haiku poet

Shieh, Wilson Shieh, temporary painter Hongkong

SHIHOODA, Sakamoto Shihoda 坂本四方太 - Sakamoto Yomota. May 16. 1871 - 1916 / 1873 - 1917 // Shihooda Ki 四方太忌

Shiki, see Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規

SHIMEI, Futabatei Shimei 二葉亭四迷 (1864 - 1909) - born Hasegawa Tatsunosuke 長谷川辰之助 // Shimei Ki 四迷忌

. Shimazu shi 島津氏 the Shimazu clan . - Kagoshima
. Shimazu Yoshihiro 島津義弘 (1535 – 1619) .

Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 (1851 - 1913) Woodblock prints of Toys

. Shimizu no Jirochoo 清水次郎長 Shimizu no Jirocho . (1820-1893)
humanitarian gangster (kyookaku 侠客)

Shimokoobe Yukiihira 下河辺行平 Shimokobe Yukihira (around 1180), archer

Shimosato Chisoku 下里知足 (1640 - 1704)

Shinnen Hoshi 真念法師 / 宥弁坊真念 Yuben-bo Shinnen ca. 1680
- and the Henro Trail in Shikoku 四国遍路道指南 Shikoku Henro Michi Shirube

Shinohara Hosaku 篠原鳳作 Hoosaku (1905-1936)

Shinoo, Shin-Oo 新皇 "New Emperor" in 939
- - - - - Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門

Shinran Shonin 親鸞 Saint Shinran (1173 - 1263).
Goshoo-Ki 御正忌 - hooonkoo 報恩講 Ho-on Ko

- - - Shinsengumi 新選組 Group of Samurai to protect Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi .

. Shiotsuki Juuran  塩月寿籃 Shiotski Juran . (1948 - ) - Bamboo artist from Oita

SHIRAO, Kaya Shirao 加舎白雄 September 13. (1738–1791)
Haiku Poet. Shirao Ki 白雄忌

Shirase Nobu 白瀬矗 (1861-1946)
led the Japanese Antarctic Expedition, 1910–12.
- source : south-pole.com -

. Shiro 子路 - Zhong You (仲由) . (543 - 481)
disciple of Confucius

Shooan 荻野松庵 doctor Ogino Shoan (? - 1665)

Shoogitai 彰義隊 Shogitai Bakumatsu military unit

Shogun - Daruma (Shoogun Daruma) 武将達磨
Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村, Naoe Kanetsugu 直江兼続
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 

Shookadoo Shoojoo 松花堂昭乗 Shokado Shojo
and the Shokado Bento 松花堂弁当

Shookei 聖冏 Yuurenja Ryooyo 酉蓮社了誉 Shokei Yurenja Ryoyo (1341 - 1420)

- Shookuu 性空上人 Saint Shoku (910 - 1007)
and Shoshazan 書写山 Mount Shosha, Himeji

Shoomon 蕉門 Shomon, Basho students, Basho's school
shoofuu 蕉風 Shofu, Basho-style haiku
shoomon jittetsu 蕉門十哲 Basho Jittetsu
The 10 most important disciples of Matsuo Basho

Shoomu Tennoo, Shōmu tennō 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu (701 – 756)

. Shooshoo no ama 少将の尼 the nun Shosho .
Sooheki Mon-In no Shooshoo 藻壁門院少将 Soheki Mon-In no Shosho

Shoso Otsuni / Shoosoo Otsuni 松窓乙二 Iwama Otsuni 岩間乙二. (1756 - 1823)

Shootoku Taishi 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi regent of Japan

Shootoku 称徳天皇 Empress Shōtoku. Shotoku (718 - 770)
- former name : Kooken Tennoo 孝謙天皇 Koken Tenno Empress Kōken

SHOOYOO, Tsubouchi Shoyo 坪内 逍遥
(May 22, 1859 - February 28, 1935) Tsubouchi Shōyō - Shooyoo Ki 逍遙忌

SHUNKAN, Priest Shunkan 俊寛 1143-79), Death Day - April 22, - Shunkan-Ki 俊寛忌

. Shuten-dōji, Shuuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" monster .
酒顛童子, 酒天童子, 朱点童子 - and Oeyama 大江山

Shuushiki 秋色 Shushiki (1668-1725). Ume Shuushiki (or O-aki or Ogawa Shushiki)
Her Husband is Kangyoku.


. Siebold, Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold . - (1796 – 1866) doctor

Silver, J. M. W. Silver, Jacob Mortimer Wier Silver - writer, around 1876
. Japanese Literature .

. sodedako, sode-dako, sode tako 袖凧 fisherman's coat kite . - Chiba

. Soga no Iruka 蘇我入鹿 . - (? - 645). Courtier

Soga Kozaemon 曽我小左衛門 / 曾我小左衛門 - Vegetable merchant in Odawara/Edo

Soga Kyoodai 曽我兄弟 The Revenge Story of the Soga Brothers
and Tora Gozen 虎御前 Lady Tora

. Soogi, Iio Soogi 飯尾 宗祇 Iio Sogi . (1421―1502)

Sokrates meets Daruma

Son Goku 孫悟空 the Monkey King Sun Wukong
and the monk Xuanzang / Sanzohoshi

Sooha 宗波 Zen priest Soha

SOOKYUU, Narita Sookyuu 成田蒼虬, 成田蒼磊
March 13. Haiku Poet - Sookyuu Ki 蒼虬忌

SOOSHIN, Yoshino Hideo 吉野秀雄 July 13. (3 July 1902 - 13 July 1967) // Waka Poet. - Sooshin Ki 艸心忌

Soogi, Iio Soogi 飯尾 宗祇 Iio Sogi (1421―1502)

Soojoo Henjoo 僧正遍照 Sojo Henjo - (816 - 890)

Soshinni 祖心尼 Lady Soshin-Ni - (1588 - 1675)
and temple 蔭凉山 済松寺 Saisho-Ji, Tokyo

Sora, Kawai Sora 河合曾良 (1649 - 1710)

. Sorori Sugimoto Shinzaemon 蘇呂里 .
- an Immortal at the time of Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Sosei, Hasegawa Sosei 長谷川素逝 September 10. 1907 - 1946. // Haiku Poet. Sosei Ki 素逝忌


Suganuma Gon-emon 菅沼権右衛門 - Koogetsu 菅沼耕月 Kogetsu friend of Basho

Suganuma Kyokusui 菅沼曲水 / 曲翠 friend of Basho
Owner of 幻住庵 Genju-An, Hut of the Phantom Dwelling.

Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 (845 - 903) Kan Shōjō (菅丞相) or Kanke (菅家) - Tenman-Tenjin 天満天神

Sugihara Chiune “Sempo” Sugihara, 杉原千畝 ‘Japanese Schindler’(1900 - 1986)
Vice-Consul for the Empire of Japan in Lithuania.

Sugino Suikei 杉野翠兄 (1754-1813) - Haiku Poet

Sugita Genpaku 杉田玄白 (1733 - 1817) - doctor

Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女(1890 - 1946) - Haiku Poetess

Sugiura Hinako (1958–2005) - Manga artist
- Japanese People on fb -

Sugiyama Sanpu 杉山杉風 (Sampu) (1647 - 1732)Haikai poet
Sanpuu Ki 杉風忌 - Koiya Ki 鯉屋忌

Sugiyama Waichi 杉山和一 / 杉山検校 Sugiyama Kengyo (- (1614–1694)
the "Father of Japanese Acupuncture"

SUIHA, Watanabe Suiha, 渡辺水巴 , 水巴 渡辺 August 8. (1882 - 1946) // Haiku Poet. Suiha Ki 水巴忌

. Sukeroku 助六 - Hero of Edo .

. sukiya boozu 数奇屋坊主 Sukiya Bozu "monk tea master" .

Sumitaku Kenshin  住宅顕信 (1961 - 1987)

Susukida Kanesuke Susukida 薄田兼相 (? - 1615) (Susukita)
- said to be - Iwami Juutaroo 岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro
and the Hihi 狒々 Baboon Monkey Monster

Suuden, Konchi-In Suuden 金地院崇伝 Priest Konchin Suden - Ishin Suuden 以心崇伝

Suutoku 崇徳天皇 Emperor Sutoku (1119 - 1142)

. Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁 Old Man Suzuka - Immortal .

Suzuki Chokichi 鈴木長吉 (Chookichi) 1848 - 1919. Metal Craftsman

. Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信 (1725 - 1770) . - ukiyo-e painter

Suzuki Masajo 鈴木まさじょ(1906-2003)

Suzuki Seifuu 鈴木清風 Suzuki Seifu (1651 - 1721) 

Suzuki Shigenari 鈴木重成 (1588 - 1653)

Suzuki Shizuko 鈴木しづ子 (1919 - ?) 1916 - 1981) cloth dyer and clay bell maker

Suzuta Teruji 鈴田照次

Swope, John Swope (1908 - 1979) - Photograper



. ABC -List from T to Z .



1 comment:

Gabi Greve said...

Selden, Kyoko Selden

Scholar, teacher, editor, poet, writer, calligrapher, musician, photographer, and prolific translator of modern and contemporary Japanese writings---passed away on January 20, 2013, in Ithaca, New York, after a brief illness.

Over the course of her long career as a faculty member at Cornell University, Kyoko Selden was editor and translator of well-known anthologies that introduced many significant works and authors to international readers for the first time. Deeply interested in music and music education, she was the primary translator of writings by the influential music educator, Suzuki Shin ichi. With Noriko Mizuta, she edited one of the first anthologies of modern Japanese women's fiction, Japanese Women Writers (1991), followed by a welcome addition, More Stories by Japanese Women Writers, published in 2011. The 2-volume, Annotated Japanese Literary Gems (co-edited with Jolisa Gracewood and Lili Selden) made available for classroom teaching literary complex and challenging Japanese texts, such as those by Nakagami Kenji, Tomioka Taeko, and by Kyoko's friends, the authors Hayashi Kyoko and Tawada Yoko.

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