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Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城 Murakami Kijo -
Murakami Kijō

source : www.bungaku.pref.gunma.jp
He born in Edo in 1865. The family moved to Takasaki city in 1873.
He was a friend of Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規, Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子, Oosuka Otsuji 大須賀乙字, and joined the group to publish the first edition of the haiku magazine 'Hototogisu'.
He published his first own collection in 1917.
He died on September 17th, 1938 at the age of 73.
Kijoo Ki 鬼城忌 (きじょうき ) Kijo Memorial Day
September 17
kigo for mid-autumn
. WKD : Memorial Days .
kijooki ya haijin ooki jookamachi
Kijo Memorial Day -
so many haiku poets
in the castle town
Furukawa Shimozuru 古川芋蔓
. jookamachi 城下町 Jokamachi, castle town .
. Takasaki Town and the Daruma Mascots 高崎達磨 .
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Murakami Kijo (1865-1938) was a Japanese haiku poet, a frequent contributor to the haiku magazine Hototogisu, and one of the followers of the great modern master Masaoka Shiki.
As a young man, he studied law but had to give it up when he became deaf due to an illness. Starting in 1894, he worked as a legal scribe in a courthouse in Takasaki, a small town about sixty miles from Tokyo. With his meager salary, he had a difficult time supporting his ten children. He was fired in 1915, but the friends he had met though his poetry intervened and he returned to his post. In 1927, the luckless Kijo lost his possessions and his home in a fire.
Kijo is often compared to the great master Kobayashi Issa because both men led lives of sorrow and hardship and their work is characterized by a deep empathy.
source : everything2.com
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Murakami Kijō war ein japanischer Lyriker.
Murakami verlor als Kind das Gehör und konnte daher keine Laufbahn im Militär- oder Staatsdienst einschlagen. Ab 1873 lebte er mit seiner Familie in Takasaki. Hier begann er Gedichte zu schreiben und wurde Schüler von Masaoka Shiki und Takahama Kyoshi. Er schloss sich der Gruppe um Masaoka an und arbeitete an deren Haiku-Magazin Hototogisu mit.
1917 veröffentlichte er die Haikusammlung Kijō kushū.
Posthum erschienen die beiden Gedichtbände Teihon Kijō kushū (1940) und Kijō haiku hairon-shū (1947).
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- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
jirooshu no you hodo mo naku same ni keri
not really drunk
from the deafness-curing sake
I get sober again
. WKD : jirooshu 治聾酒 deafness-curing sake .
kigo for mid-spring
麦飯に 何も申さじ 夏の月
mugimeshi ni nani mo moosaji natsu no tsuki
rice mixed with barley
and I can not even complain -
moon in summer
. WKD : mugimeshi 麦飯 rice with barley/wheat .
kigo for early summer
fuyubachi no shinidokoro naku arukikeri
a winter bee
with no place to die
keeps walking
. WKD : fuyu no hachi 冬の蜂 bee in winter .
harusame ya tashika ni mitaru ishi no sei
spring rain -
I really saw this
spirit of the stone
. WKD : magaibutsu 磨崖仏 stone-cliff Buddhas .
痩馬の あはれ機嫌や 秋高し
いささかの 金ほしがりぬ 年の暮
五月雨や 起き上がりたる 根無草
蟷螂の 頭まわして 居直りぬ
浅間山の 煙出て見よ 今朝の月
雹晴れて 豁然とある 山河かな
- His Haiku : haiku annai
- Reference : 村上鬼城
- Reference : Murakami Kijo
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Some haiku of Kijo's that I've seen in translation, which I like:
kesa aki ya miiru kagami ni oya no kao
First autumn morning:
the mirror I stare into
shows my father's face
--trans. Ueda
fuyu no ni ya mae ni fusagaru ono ga kage
The winter sun:
blocking the way ahead of me,
my own shadow.
--trans. Ueda
suihoo no aiyoreba kiyu hasu no hana
The moment two bubbles
are united they both vanish:
A lotus blooms.
--trans. Ueda
haru no yo ya naki nagara neru kodomo tachi
On a spring night
My children
Cry to a peaceful sleep
--trans. Yuzuru Miura
mihotoke no okao no shimi ya aki no ame
On the Buddha's
august face some pockmarks show:
autumn rain.
--trans. Ueda
Larry Bole wrote:
Some further observations about Kijo:
Blyth writes (from "A History of Haiku: Volume Two"):
"Otsuji [1881-1920] said that after Basho and Issa, few poets really portrayed the painful circumstances of life as did Kijo. Kijo himself said that we must grasp the realities of life and express them, however disagreeable they may be,--- indeed, in so far as they are disagreeable, so that things and ourselves are undivided ... . "
Donld Keene writes (from "Dawn to the West"):
"Kijo's haiku, though composed in the traditional form and employing classical diction, had little to do with the flowers and birds associated with the 'Hototogisu' school. ... Yamamoto Kenkichi wrote of Kijo's poetry, 'Self-pity was always involved in his love for living creatures.' [Yamamoto, 'Gendai Haiku', p. 70]
"Otsuji ... compared Kijo to Issa, to the former's advantage. Kyoshi, going even further, said, 'When people speak of Issa in the past and Kijo in the present, this is insulting to Kijo.' [quoted in Yamamoto, 'Gendai Haiku', p. 68.] Both poets shared a sympathy for the helpless little creatures of nature, but Kijo evinced none of Issa's resistance to the forces bearing down on the weak and defenseless; he is resigned, ready to accept fate. In the end, Yamamoto Kenkichi found this acceptance of fate (and, by implication, of his own position in life) limited his poetic horizon, and his poetry rarely rises to great heights.['Ibid'., p. 70]"
And finally, Ooka Makoto writes (from "A Poet's Anthology," trans. by Janine Beichman):
Tookei no manako tsumurete kawarekeri -- Murakami Kijoo
A fighting cock,
eyes gone, still kept,
still fed
"From 'Kijoo Kushuu' (Kijoo's Haiku, 1926). ...
"In his style, Kijo confronted life head on and showed rugged individuality. A blinded fighting cock is of no use anymore. One would expect it to be killed, but out of pity, its owner still keeps it. The poet sees himself in the rooster but avoids sentimentality by letting only the rooster into the poem."
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