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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Legends about Japanese Saints
上人 shonin 法人 honin 禅師 zenshi
修験者 shugenja 山伏 yamabushi - mountain priest
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
mukashibanashi 昔話
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. Enkuu 円空 Legends about Master Carver Enku 円空と伝説 .
. Gennoo Shinshoo 源翁 心昭 Genno Shinsho (Shinjo)
Gennoo Zenshi 源翁禅師Genno Zenji .
Shinsho Kugai 心昭空外, Genno Osho 玄翁(げんのう)和尚, a monk of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism.
(1329 - 1400)
. Nichiren, Saint Nichiren 日蓮上人 .
February 16, 1222 – October 13, 1282
- 日蓮 50 legends to explore / 日蓮上人 19 -
. 音誉上人 - 音誉聖観上人 Saint Onyo Shokan Shonin . (? - 1479)
音誉上人自ら火車に乗る Onyo Shonin riding the chariot of fire
. Shinran, Saint Shinran 親鸞聖人 (1173 - 1263) .
- 31 legends to explore -
. Yuuten Shoonin 祐天上人 Yuten Shonin .
Yuuten, Yūten 祐天 Yuten Shami - (1637 - 1718)
- quote -
Yamabushi Daruma
Yamabushi Daruma combine the unmoving will power and determination of yamabushi
with the unyielding intensity of Daruma to help you get things done.
- source : yamabushido -
. Shugenja 修験者 Mountain Ascets .
yamabushi 山伏 mountain priests
. Yamabushi and the Battle of Sekigahara 関ヶ原の戦い .
Miyagi 宮城県
Shugenja no tatari 修験者の祟り The curse of the Shugenja

Once upon a time
there lived a guardian soldier in Sendai, named 広田甚八 Hirota Jinpachi.
One evening he had been drinking sake with his friends. They were just having a good time when a Shugenja came to the door and blew his ritual conch 法螺貝. Jinpachi got angry, d attacked the Shugenja and finally killed him in his anger.
Next day Jinpachi was put to trial but let go free, since he was a samurai. But later he was put to trial again and thrown into jail, where he soon died of madness.
His son had been in charge of the horses in Edo. On the evening before the son arrived in Edo there was a Shugenja at his gate and asked "Is this the estate of Hirota?"
"Yes sir".
"Oh, I thought they had all died, how stange!" replied the Shugenja. The servant kicked him out of the gate and reported the event to his master. When he mentioned it was a Shgenja, Hirota got pale in his face and ran out to bring the man back. But he was nowhere in sight. And soon after this event the young Master Hirota also died.
His son 彦兵衛 Hikobe and his daughter also died soon after.
His widow became the second wife of one 丹野某 Tanno, but she also died soon afterwards in mysterious circumstances.
岡山県 Okayama, 大原町 Ohara
. The konya 紺屋 indigo cloth dyer in Midoro 美土路 .
- reference -
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 上人 - 156 entries
日蓮上人 / 円観上人,不動明王 / 親鸞上人 , 智光上人 and more
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 禅師 - zenji 30 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 修験者 - shugenja 43 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 山伏 - yamabushi 174 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
- #legendssaints #saintslegends #yamabushi #shugenja -
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Legend from Hokkaido, 松前町 Matsumae
The fishing for herrings had been very bad, so the villagers asked a Yamabushi for a purification ritual.
The priest fasted for seven days and nights and then had a divine revelation.
The villagers were happy and made new nets.
But how much they waited, the herring did not come. Eventually the herring season was over and they hat caught nothing. Now the village was in deep trouble.
Legend from Nara 五條市 Gojo city 北山町 Kitayama town
akuryuu 悪竜と伝説 Akuryu, Legends about malicious dragons
A shugenja 修験者 mountain ascet had parted a malicious dragon into three parts.
To avoid the curse of the dragon, his body parts - 竜頭 head 、竜胸 breast、竜尾 tail - were venerated in three temples.
Legend from Niigata about a yamabushi and a red cat
Once a family had a Sake ricewine party when a yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest came along to drink with them.
Next morning the body of the priest lay on the ground, but the head was missing.
He had told the villagers that there would be a huge flooding and to prevent it, he would throw akaneko 赤猫 a red cat into the lake to prevent it. But the master of the lake, the Dragon God Ryujin 龍神 became angry and took away his head.
Legend from Ehime 愛媛県 八幡浜市 Yawatahama city
hashira matsuri 柱祭り pillar festival (to ward off evil)
There was a mountain ascet named 金剛院 Kongo-In, who served 五反田の城主 the Lord of the Gotanda Castle.
While he was travelling in Nagasaki, he heared of a war in his home town and hurried back home.
The soldiers in the castle thought by mistake the castle was lost and killed themselves.
The castle had fallen, but Kongo-In became onryoo 怨霊 a vengeful spirit and annoyed the people.
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