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Poets about Japan

- source with hyperlinks : themargins.net/anth/19thc -
edited by Irene De Angelis
Terms of Use:
Materials in Emerging from Absence: An Archive of Japan in English-Language Verse are made accessible for non-profit educational and research purposes only.
Themargins.net makes no warranty with regard to their use for any other purpose.
- - - - - Acknowledgments
My first debt in bringing together this archive is to those who have granted permission to include work in it, who without payment beyond a notice of titles in print have so generously supported the project. I am indebted also to those who have called my attention to work that has found its way here, particularly to Paul Rossiter, who has filled in many gaps in my knowledge, and to the late Richard Caddel, who after one accidental meeting and one following e-mail posted queries, forwarded responses, and brought me up to date.
The archive also has benefited from the various kindnesses of Emiko Kuroda, Peter Makin, the late Shigeo Tobita, and Scott Watson, and would not have been possible without the courtesy of the Department of English and the excellence of the staff of the University Library at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Infelicities, of course, are mine.
David Ewick, April, 2004
A Dream of Bric-a-Brac: The Nineteenth Century
Louisa Stuart Costello • Supposed to be Sung by the Wife of a Japanese Who Had Been Taken by the Russians to Their Country, 1825
Alexander Rodger • The Devil’s Visit to the Islands of Japan, 1838
C. H. W. • An Ode to the Japanese, 1860
Walt Whitman • The Errand-Bearers, 1860
Anonymous • Society in Japan, 1867
Horace Russell and William Greene • The Japanese Lovers, ca. 1870
Oliver Wendell Holmes • At the Banquet to the Japanese Embassy, 1872
R. H. Horne • Ode to the Mikado of Japan, 1873
Margaret Veley • A Japanese Fan, 1876
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • from Kéramos, 1878
W. S. Gilbert • Two Songs from The Mikado, 1885
William Struthers • The Rejected Japanese Lover, 1887
W. E. Henley • Ballade of a Toyokuni Colour Print, 1888
John Hay • A Dream of Bric-a-Brac, 1890
Anonymous • The Japanese Doll, ca. 1890
Louis Belrose, Jr. • A Japanese Sword, 1891
Rudyard Kipling • Buddha at Kamakura, 1892
Edwin Arnold • Fuji-yama, 1892
Edwin Arnold • The Musmee, 1892
Oliver Herford • Japanesque, ca. 1893
. Ernest Fenollosa • Sonnet: Fuji at Sunrise, 1893 .
Mary McNeill Scott (Mary McNeill Fenollosa) • To a Portrait of a Japanese Princess, 1894
Mary Stockton Hunter • A Japanese Sword Song, 1895
Mrs. Merrill E. Gates • Japanese War Song, 1895
Mae St. John Bramhall • The Japanese “Good-Day,” 1897
Margaret A. Brooks • Japan, the Youngest Born, 1899
Aldis Dunbar • Japaneseque, 1900
Edgar Fawcett • The Yellow Danger, 1900
Haunted in Old Japan: 1901~1909
And the Great Gate Swings: 1910~1919
What Was Hidden in Twilight Before: 1920~1929
The Heart of Standing: 1930~1939
The Thin Shell of Night: 1940~1949
The Aesthetic Point: 1950~1959
The Heart’s Garden: 1960~1969
Preparing the Past: 1970~1979
The Ache of Distance: 1980~1989
Lost Objects: 1990~1999
Peter Robinson - Deep North (1993)
‘What silence
penetrating rock
the voice of the cicada’
Matsuo Bashô
In Spaces Between East and West: 2000~

- source with hyperlinks : themargins.net/anth/19thc -
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