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Ki no Haseo, Kino Haseo 紀長谷雄
(845 – 912)

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醍醐朝に入ると左右大弁の要職を務め、延喜2年(902年)参議に任ぜられ公卿に列した。議政官として左大弁を兼帯し、延喜10年(910年)従三位・権中納言、延喜11年(911年) 中納言に至る。醍醐天皇の侍読を務める一方、都良香・菅原道真・大蔵善行に師事して『菅家後集』の編纂に携わり、『延喜格式』の編纂にもあたった。
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Haseo and the Oni demon playing a game of Sugoroku.
Haseo Sooshi, Haseo sōshi 長谷雄草紙(はせおぞうし) Haseo Zoshi, Haseo Soshi
- A Medieval Scholar's Muse

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The picture scroll Haseo sōshi (The Tale of Lord Haseo, dated between the end of the thirteenth century and the early fourteenth century) tells of Ki no Haseo (845–912), a famous scholar-poet, who gambles with an oni (demon or ogre) for a female prize who turns out to be a concoction from parts of dead bodies.
With a variety of vivid characters, the Tale of Lord Haseo is a captivating story from the otogizōshi (literally ‘companion tales’) genre.
Importantly, the text reveals medieval Japanese thought about the relationship between humans and demons, the creation of life from death, and beliefs in supernatural beings.
- source : tandfonline.com/doi.. Noriko T. Reider

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An illustrated scroll of great quality of the famous story about Ki no Haseo (845-912), a courtier in the Early Heian Period. Written ca. 13th century, the oldest surviving scroll of this story — ca. 14th century, the Kamakura era — was preserved by the Hosokawa Family, formerly the ruler of the Kumamoto Fiefdom (today the Kumamoto Prefecture). The scroll rests now as an “Important Cultural Property” at the Eisei Bunko Museum in Tokyo. There are other scrolls of this celebrated story, some of which are incomplete or condensed versions, including those at the National Institute of Japanese Literature (Tokyo), the National Diet Library, Kyoto University, the Imperial Household Agency Library, Tokyo National Museum, and the Kyoto Prefectural Library.

- - - Our scroll illustrates the five scenes of this story:
“1. One evening when Haseo was about to go to the Imperial Palace, he was visited by a stranger with shrewd eyes, who challenged him with a sugoroku (backgammon) game, saying that there was no other who could rival him in the game. Suspicious but tempted by curiosity, Haseo went out with the stranger, who took him to the Imperial gatehouse, Suzaku-mon.
2. The stranger helped Haseo up to the upper story of the gatehouse. Before beginning the game, he offered a ‘girl of unearthly beauty’ on bet, whereupon Haseo offered his entire property. As the game turned hopeless for the stranger, he betrayed himself as an awesome goblin, but Haseo at last won the game.
3. Deep in the night of the promised day, the man brought to Haseo a beautiful young lady, telling him never to touch her within one hundred days.
4. Eighty days passed. Unable to resist the ever increasing charm of the girl, Haseo embraced her, whereupon she became water and flowed away. He repented, only in vain.
5. About three months later, Haseo was going home in the night from the Imperial Palace, when the stranger came to his vehicle and blamed him for breaking the promise. Haseo barely escaped danger by his prayers to the god of Kitano Tenjin.
The stranger was a goblin inhabiting the Suzaku Gate, who had created the girl by assembling beautiful parts of dead women. If she had been left untouched for one hundred days, she would have become a real human being.”
- source : jonathanahill.com/pages/books -
- - - - - Modern versions

source : 2poit3emaki.blog.fc2.com...
- even for Android -
. ezooshi 絵草子 Ezoshi, illustrated book or magazine .
otogizooshi 御伽草子 otogi-zoshi - popular tales
ukiyo zooshi 浮世草子 Ukiyo-zoshi - books about the floating world
. sugoroku 双六 (すごろく) Sugoroku board game .
and many legends related to it
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