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Showing posts with label - - - HHH - - -. Show all posts


Hoshinaga Fumio


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Hoshinaga Fumio 星永文夫 
(1933 - )

- quote
Hoshinaga Fumio has developed a unique approach to haiku.
As a native of Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu, he is especially concerned with local tribal history and culture, and has discussed the possibility of ressurecting both nature and culture through poetic language. Hoshinaga was recently selected as one of 12 outstanding national gendai haijin.
- source :

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


きのこスープ飲む隣 戦争が来て坐る

ほら吹きがまた殖ゆ 五月の湿地帯

危険な書を積んで 石榴その上に



- source :


ni-juu oku koonen no gishoo
omae no B-gata

twenty billion light-years of perjury:
your blood type is "B"

"Blood-type B is rare in Japan; Type A is happier, but Type B carries a sense of melancholy. So, I felt my rebelliousness or revulsion could not be Type A – it must be blood-type B."
Hoshinaga Fumio (p. 173).
quote from
Poems of Consciousness, Richard Gilbert
source : Simply Haiku Summer 2008

. Bloodtypes and Haiku .   


Hoshinaga Fumio: - Selected Haiku from Kumaso-Ha

善人の順にかぞえて 六おぼろ
zennin no jun ni kazoete roku oboro

counting down the goodness of man:
from the sixth

The playfully dark, ironic metaphor of "becoming Hitler" is disjunctive, allowing a sense of depth to enter the haiku, a depth partly created through allusion. Due to itchy feet (a summer kigo), the author cannot smartly click his heels or march in goose-step. The poem presents a disturbing psychosocial complex indicating the will to power or assumption of dictatorial authority which often remains hidden in persons or society.

mizumushi ga kayukute Hitorâ ni wa narenu

Athelete’s foot itches –
still can’t become

The focal point of this haiku seems to be on a subject that is either indistinct or missing: the subject is not allowed or able to solidify or cohere. A difficult technique to manage, as an indistinct subject will in general create a haiku lacking in poetic direction — it will be unclear what images to base sensation upon. Ending with "obscure" (also "dreamlike, foggy," a spring kigo), the haiku seems to echo with multiple dimensions of obscurity — of goodness and its measurement, of finding goodness, and the sense that, in the human realm, such findings may be moot.

(trans. Gilbert & Ito, 2004)
- source :


- Reference - 星永文夫 -

- Reference - English -


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- - - HHH


. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

- - - - - - - - - - HHH - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - Haiku Poets of Japan - - - - - ... an introduction

Habu Genseki Habu 土生玄碩 (1762 - 1848) - Medical doctor

Haji, Hajibe clan Hajibe 土師部 / 土師氏 / 土部 and potters abd Haniwa

Hakuin Ekaku 白隠慧鶴 Hakuin Zenji

Hakurakuten 白楽天, Haku Kyoi 白居易 (772 - 846) Chinese poet

HAKUSHUU, Kitahara Hakushu 北原 白秋, Kitahara Hakushū - (1885 – 1942) poet
Hakushuu Ki 白秋忌

Hamada Shadoo Senseki 浜田珍夕/珍碩(洒堂)Shado. (? - 1737)

Hamada Shooji 浜田庄司 Hamada Shoji, Mashiko Potter and Mingei

Hanabusa Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho (1652 – 1724) - painter

. Hanabusa Yoshitada 花房義質 . (1842 - 1917) - politician

Hanawa 塙保己一 Hanawa Hokiichi, Hoki-Ichi (1746 - 1821) - blind Monk Scholar

Hanaya Nizaemon 花屋仁左衛門 friend of Basho

Handaka Sonja 半諾迦尊者 Arhat

Hanyu Yuzuru. Hanyuu 羽生結弦 Hanyū Yuzuru - (born 1994) figure skater

. Harada Kai Munesuke 原田甲斐 宗輔 . - (1619 - 1671). Samurai from Sendai

. HARUO, Satoo Haruo 佐藤春夫 Sato Haruo (1892 - 1964) . - Novelist
Haruo Ki 春夫忌 May 6

Hasegawa Heizô 長谷川平蔵 Hasegawwa Heizo - (1719 - 1773)
Hitsuke Tozoku Aratamekata - Officer

Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂 - 1954 - (Haiku Poet)

Hasegawa Kanajo 長谷川かな女 (1887 - 1969)

HASEKURA, Hasekura Rokuemon Tsunenaga 支倉六右衛門常長 July 1. (1571 – 1622)
Samurai from the Date domain. Hasekura Ki 支倉忌

Hashimoto Kansetsu 橋本関雪 - (1883-1945) painter
. 橋本関雪 - paintings .

Hashimoto Takako 橋本多佳子 (1899-1963)
..... Takako Hashimoto, Death Poems

Hata uji 秦氏 the Hata clan
Uzumasa 太秦, Hata no Kawakatsu 秦河勝 etc.

Hatano Soha (Sooha) 波多野爽波 (1923-1991)

. Hattori Hanzo Masanari 服部半蔵 .

Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 - Haiku Poet

Hattori Tohoo, Dohoo 服部土芳 Hattori Toho / Doho (1657 - 1730) from Iga

Hayakawa Noritsugu 早川徳次(のりつぐ) (1881 - 1942)
Hayakawa Tokuji 早川徳次 (1893 - 1980) - SHARP company

Hayashi Razan 林羅山 (1583-1657) Confucian Scholar

Hayashi Tooyoo 桐葉 Hayashi Toyo, in Atsuta

Hearn, Lafcadio Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲 

Helen Hyde and Daruma Prints (Hanga 版画)

Hepburn, James Curtis Hepburn (1815 - 1911)

Hermits and recluses

Hidari Jingoro 左甚五郎 "left-handed carpenter" - Edo period

Hideichi Oshiro Hideichi USA

HIDENO, Ishibashi Hideno 石橋秀野 September 26. 1909-1947.
Woman Haiku Poet. Hideno Ki 秀野忌

Higashiyama Kaii 東山魁夷 (1908-1999) Painter

Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉 (May 2, 1872 - November 23, 1896)
Ichiyo Ki 一葉忌

- - - hijiri ひじり【聖】”holy men", mendicant monks .

. Hiki Ikkan 飛来一閑 . (1578年? - 1657年) papier-machee style lacquerer

Hino Soojoo 日野草城 Hino Sojo (1901-1956)
Haiku poet. Soojoo Ki 草城忌 - "Crane in the Cold" Day, Itezuru Ki 凍鶴忌 - Kairui Ki 鶴唳忌 - Tookaku Ki 東鶴忌 - "Silver Day", Shirogane 銀忌

Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内  (1728 - 1780) doctor, painter, potter, inventor

Hirata Hikoshiro Donin 平田彦四郎(道仁) (1591-1646) . Enamel cloisonne master 七宝

Hirayama Ikuo 平山郁夫 (1930 - 2009)

Hiroi Masaaki 広井政昭 - (1935 - ) craftsmen of spinning tops and kokeshi

Hirooka Asako 広岡浅子 - (1849 - 1919) business woman

Hirose Izen 広瀬維然 haikai poet (~正徳1年(1711)2月9日)

Hirose Saihei 広瀬宰平 (1828 - 1914) Sumitomo Director General
Iba Teigo 伊庭貞剛 (1847 - 1926) - second director general - 別子銅山 Besshi Copper mines

Hiroshige, Utagawa, Ando Hiroshige 歌川広重 / 安藤広重 (1797-1858)

Hirota Jinpachi 広田甚八 - Legend from Miyagi

Hishida Shunsoo, Hishida Shunsō 菱田春草 (1874 - 1911) Hishida Shunso - Painter
- reference -

Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣 (1618 - 1694) . - ukiyo-e painter

Hitachibo Kaison Sennin 常陸坊海尊仙人
Retainer of 源の義経 Yoshitsune

HITOMARU . Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸) .
(c. 662 – 710). Poet /// Hitomaru Ki 人丸忌 (ひとまるき) memorial day

HOKI-ICHI, see above, Hanawa Hokiichi 塙 保己一

Hokusai, Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎 Hokusai Ki 北斎忌

. Honinbo Sansa 本因坊算砂 (1612-1623) .
- first in the famous family of Go players Hon'inbō / Honin-Bo / Honinbo Shusaku 本因坊秀策 (1829 – 1862)

Honma Shume 本間主馬, Noh actor 能役者

Hoodoo Sennin" 法道仙人 Hodo Sennin / 法起菩薩 Hoki Bosatsu (around 650)

Hoojoo, Hōjō Ujiyasu 北条氏康 Hojo Ujiyasu (1515 – 1571)

Hoojoo Yasutoki 北条泰時 Hojo Yasutoki (1183 - 1242)

Hoojoo Masako, Hōjō Masako 北条政子 (1156 – 1225)
..... wife of Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝

HOOMEI, Iwano Homei, Iwano Hōmei 岩野 泡鳴 - 1873.1.20 - 1920.5.9.
Hoomei Ki 泡鳴忌

Hoonen Shoonin and Pure Land Buddhism法然上人.
Honen Shonin, Saint Honen - Gyoki 御忌 - Enkoo Ki 円光忌

HOOSAI, 尾崎 放哉 Ozaki Hoosai, Ozaki Hosai  20 January 1885 - 7 April 1926. poet

HOOSAKU, Shinohara Hosaku 篠原鳳作 September 17. (1905 ~ 1936).
Haiku Poet. Hoosaku Ki 鳳作忌

Hoozan Tankai Risshi 宝山湛海律師 Hōzan Tankai, Hozan (1629–1716) - Buddhist monk
- Hōzan-ji 宝山寺 / 寳山寺 Hozan-Ji Nara

Horie Rokuroo 堀江六郎 Horie Rokuro - fisherman in Edo

Horio Yoshiharu 堀尾吉晴 - "The Buddha, Mosuke"
- source :

. Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之 . (1611 - 1673). Founder of the Matsudaira clan of Aizu.

Hoshino, Rachel Hoshino, Brazil

Hoshino Tsubaki (1930 - )

Hosokawa Shunan 細川春庵, Shun-An, Toosetsu 棟雪 Tosetsu Haiku Poet

Hosokawa Tadatoshi 細川忠利 (1586 – 1641) Daimyo of Kumamoto

Hosomi Ayako (1907~1997)

Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之 (1611 - 1673) Samurai

Hoshino Mataemon 星野又右衛門 - ca. 1590, craftsman of Hinoki cypress wood

Huish Marcus Bourne Huish - (1843- 1904) - Author about Japanese Art

HYAKKEN, Uchida Hyakken 内田百間
May 29, 1889—April 20, 1971. Hyakken Ki 百閒忌

. Hyooze no Matsuwaka 兵生の松若と伝説 Matsuwaka from Hyoze . - Wakayama/Nara


