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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Reigan 霊巌 Priest Reigan
(1554 - 1641)
檀蓮社雄誉(だんれんじゃゆうよ) Danrenja Yuyo
雄誉霊巌 Yuyo Reigan
Reigan was priest of the 浄土宗 Jodo Sect in the early Edo period.
Third son of 今川氏勝 Imagawa Ujikatsu.
He was born in Suruga (now Shizuoka) and walked all over Japan, building many temples.
His teacher was 貞把 priest Teiha at the temple 生実大巌寺(おゆみだいがんじ) Oyumi Daigan-Ji in Chiba.
One of the most famous is temple Reigan-Ji in Edo, at the island named after him, Reiganjima.
Whith the permission of 徳川家光 Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu he also re-built temple 知恩院 Chion-In in Kyoto.
He also gave lectures in Edo castle.
His written works are 選択集. 精義集 Shogishu and 伝法指南 Denbo Shinan.
. 霊巌寺 Temple Reigan-Ji Tokyo .
東京都江東区白河1-3-32 // 1 Chome-3-32 Shirakawa, Kōtō ward
with a special statue of Jizo Bosatsu
. Reigandoo 霊巌洞 Reigan-Do cave .
宮本武蔵 Miyamoto Musashi died there.
. Famous Buddhist Priests - ABC-List .
Reiganjima 霊巌島 / 霊岸島 Island Reiganjima
former 中央区新川 / Shinkawa, Chūō ward
. Shinkawa 新川 Shinkawa sub-district "new river" . Kanda, Chiyoda
Saint Reigan developed this land between the rivers Kameshimagawa and Sumidagawa and built the temple Reigan-Ji.
At first there were many Samurai estates nearby, but soon a town for the many temple visitors developed.
In 1657 the temple burned down during a huge fire, and was then rebuilt at Fukagawa.
The area of Reiganjima was redeveloped in 1659 by the rich merchant,
河村瑞賢 Kawamura Zuiken (1618 - 1699).
It was accessible by land and many merchants came to live here.
Reiganjima Shiroganemachi 霊巌島 銀町
With many merchants of Sake.
Reiganjima Shiomachi 霊巌島 塩町
The estate of Kawamura Zuiken was located here and often called 瑞賢長屋 Zuiken nagaya.
Zuiken was a timber merchant and elevated to Samurai status after the great Meireki fire in 1657. He supervised many projects for canals and flood control in Edo.
Many dealers in pottery lived in Shiomachi. The nearby riverside was called 茶碗河岸 Chawan-kawagishi "Riverside of the tea bowls".
Alltogether there were 16 sub-districts with the name Reiganjima.
The name Reiganbashi 霊岸橋 Reigan-Bridge is still in use today.
Chuo ward, Nihonbashi Kayabacho, 1 Chome−11−2
霊巌島の碑 Memorial stone of Reiganjima
. Chūō ku, Chuuoo Ku 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
日高町 Hidaka
zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls"
At the temple 箕輪山霊巌寺 Minowayama Reigan-Ji at the riverpool of 高麗川 Komagawa there lives 大蛇 a huge serpent.
She would grant trays and bowls if people asked her politely, saying the number of visitors then needed to entertain. And of course bring back the tools nicely washed and clean.
When a farmer forgot to bring the things back, the serpent stopped to appear.
After a huge flooding the riverpool was filled with sand. Excarvating it they found the skull of a huge serpent. So nowadays the farmers pray to the serpent at the temple Reigan-Ji.
. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls". .
nana fushigi 霊岸島の七不思議 seven wonders of Reiganjima
落雷なし・ there is no thunderstorm
南天木実のつくことなし・ the Nanten tree does not have seeds
川口町に花屋という材木屋にあり・ At Kawaguchi machi there is a lumber store named 花屋 "Hanaya" flower store
白銀町に糊屋という銭湯あり・ At Shirogane machi there is a public bath named 糊屋 "Noriya" starch paste store
港町に米屋というそばやあり・ At Minato machi there is a Soba buckwheat shop named 米屋 "Komeya" rice shop
箱崎町の金毘羅の縁日が9日で10日ではないこと ・ At Hakozaki machi the special day for the 金毘羅 Konpira shrine is on the ninth, not the tenth.
圓覚寺の薬師は7月11日が縁日であること ・ At the temple 圓覚寺 Engaku-Ji the special day for Yakushi Nyorai is on the 11th day of the 7th lunar month.
. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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Sen Rikyu
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Sen Rikyuu, Sen Rikyū 千利休 Sen Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu
Sen Rikyū 千利休
1522 - April 21, 1591 (some dates give March 28.)
陰暦二月二十八日 28th day of the 2nd lunar month
the historical figure with the most profound influence on chanoyu, the Japanese "Way of Tea", particularly the tradition of wabi-cha. Rikyū is known by many names; for convenience this article will refer to him as Rikyū throughout.
There are three iemoto (sōke), or "head houses" of the Japanese Way of Tea, that are directly descended from Rikyū:
the Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Mushakōjisenke,
all three of which are dedicated to passing forward the teachings of their mutual family founder, Rikyū.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
If you have one pot
And can make your tea in it
That will do quite well.
How much does he lack himself
Who must have a lot of things?
When you hear the splash
Of the water drops that fall
Into the stone bowl
You will feel that all the dust
Of your mind is washed away.
Sen Rikyu
. WKD : Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 .
- - - Look at a tea ceremony on his memorial day :
source : www.urasenke.or.jp/textm
Rikyuu Ki 利休忌 (りきゅうき) Rikyu Memorial Day
Sooeki Ki 宗易忌(そうえきき)
Rikyuu Ki 利久忌(りきゅうき)
kigo for mid-spring
we drink
green tea
with ceremony
- Shared by Pat Geyer -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
- - - - -
Sen Rikyu film--
a passing silhouette goes
with the subtitles
We watched a marvelous Film at the movie theatre hall. The movie was about a tea Master called Rikyu and his way of tea preparation, his life with his pupil(s) and his philosophies concerning "The way Of tea". If I can remember well, he attached "Tea" with simplicity and modesty until his death. Tea ceremony, we were told,is a ritual conducted even now.
Caleb Mutua, Kenya 2009
- - - - -
rikyuubai 利休梅 "Rikyu plum"
..... 利久梅(りきゅうばい)
リキュウバイ - Exochorda racemosa
Pearlbush or Common Pearlbush, is a species of plant in the rose family.
plant kigo for early summer
Matsuo Basho remembers Sen Rikyu and Sakai
. kuchikiri ni Sakai no niwa zo natsukashiki .
kuchikiri ceremony
. sode no iro yogorete samushi koi nezumi .
in memoriam of the father of Senka, Basho's disciple 仙化が父追善
Sen no Rikyu 千 利休, another famous tea master at the times of Shokado, used to serve his meals in a box in the form of a half-moon (hangetsu 半月).
. Shookadoo 松花堂 Shokado "Pine Flower Pavillion" .
- - - -
Rikyuu meshi 利休めし rice cooked "a la Rikyu"
Rice is cooked with hoojicha tea, then dashi broth is added. Some green stems of rape (na no hana) are added as topping.
This is a typical dish of spring.
source : www.ginza-mikawaya.jp - with recipe
Rikyuu abe daikon 利休あへ大根り radish "a la Rikyu"
Flavored with cinamon and sesame.
Rikyuu tamago - Kurumi tamago 利休卵 / 胡桃卵 - eggs "a la Rikyu"
Simmered egg with ground sesame seeds (or ground walnut meat), flavored with soy sauce and sake.
. 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo 江戸料理百選 .
Rikyu Rat Grey, Rikyuu nezu 利休鼠
The Nature of Rikyu Grey
..... If one is going to name a certain sensation, formulate an outline of its features, trace its history or search for the origin of that sensation, it must inspire a profound sympathy yet awake a certain critical awareness. For me, such a sensation is "Rikyu grey." The sensation of Rikyu grey represents an aesthetic of an ambivalent or multiple meaning. My interest in it began seventeen years ago when, with a number of friends, I had started the Metabolism movement and developed a strong dissatisfaction with functional architecture.
Function as a criterion in architecture achieved many things, but it also resulted in the articulation and concretization of space.
In the process of providing rationally and clearly articulated spaces, the virtues of nebulous and undifferentiated space that naturally exist between demarcated areas was totally neglected. Spaces which might embrace tow or more meanings were eliminated in functional architecture.
A long philosophical essay :
Read about this color and Japanese Architecture
. WKD : The Color Gray and Haiku .
Rediscovering Rikyu and the Beginnings of the Japanese Tea Ceremony
Stephen Mansfield
Herbert Plutschow’s “rediscovery” of the great tea master, Sen-no-Rikyu (1522-91), explores the complex relationship between politics and the arts during the final years of the Warring States era. The author is less interested in Rikyu’s achievements and legacy than why his suicide was the inevitable result of the collision of art, politics and ritual. In an object lesson on not mixing politics and aesthetics, Rikyu’s relations with the generalissimo Toyotomi Hideyoshi would prove disastrous. An admirer of Rikyu, Hideyoshi exploited the locations of teahouses as venues for secret political meetings, something that must have deeply unsettled the tea master.
Although the reasons remain largely unexplained, Plutschow comes as close as any writer to revealing the truth of Rikyu’s death: his position, it seems, his very authority and status, somehow represented a slight to the general, prompting him to order the master to commit seppuku (ritual disembowelment). With typical resignation, and a touch of studied disassociation, Rikyu’s death poem, not included in this book, reads:
Seventy years of life
Ha ha! And what a fuss!
With this sacred sword of mine
Both Buddhas and Patriarchs I kill.
- source : Japan Times, January 2016 -
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
hatsu-shimo ya egao misetaru cha no hijiri
first frost --
a smile on the face
of the tea sage Rikyu
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku was found among Issa's papers after he died (Collected Works 1.650), so its date of composition is unknown, though it is probably from late in his life. Issa uses an epithet (also pronounced chasei 茶聖) to evoke the most famous tea master in Japanese history, Sen no Rikyu (1522-91), who came to be regarded as a sage or wizard. (The term is sometimes translated tea saint, but the worldly Rikyu was not a typical saint.) Rikyu perfected a simple, bare style of tea ceremony that was held in small teahouses in gardens designed to suggest wild nature and carried out as a form of spiritual meditation.
His style of reclusive, Zen-influenced tea ceremony was also perfect for secret negotiations between warlords, and Rikyu overheard many top-secret conversations during his career. The shogun Hideyoshi trusted him and made him his official tea master, but for some reason, perhaps because of a paranoid belief that Rikyu considered himself greater than Hideyoshi, he ordered Rikyu to commit ritual suicide with a sword. Rikyu, living dangerously in a period when various warlords were struggling for power, was portrayed with a very dour look on his face, an expression he must have used when leading tea ceremonies for powerful warriors, but Issa evokes him in a private moment. The implication may be that Rikyu, a commoner who lived and worked in a warrior world, is smiling a rare smile.
It is natural for Rikyu to be smiling, because the appearance of frost indicates that the Way of Tea New Year's is near or has just arrived. The tea ceremony annual schedule began early in the 10th month on the first Day of the Wild Boar (around the middle of November). On this day in Japan all sorts of ovens, hearths, and fireplaces were lit for the first time amid celebrations and the eating of special foods such as boar-shaped rice cakes.
For tea masters, this was the day on which they lit a fire in the sunken hearth in an opening in the straw-mat floor of the tea house. From the 4th through 9th months they used charcoal braziers for heating (but not boiling) water for tea in iron teapots, but they preferred cold weather and sunken hearths. Soon after the hearth was lit, another important New Year's ceremony was held: large, tightly sealed jars of freshly plucked tea leaves from early in the summer were opened for the first time, and the leaves were ground into fine green powder to which not-quite-boiling water was added during the tea ceremony. This powdered tea was the most common form of tea used at tea ceremonies, and grinding the leaves was done with great care.
The first frost in the hokku indicates that the best season of the year for holding tea ceremonies has arrived, and Rikyu has reason to smile. He may also be smiling because the delicate frost will be walked through by his visitors to his morning tea ceremony, adding a dimension of ethereal beauty to the overall performance. There may also be some sort of historical reference to Rikyu's life in the hokku, but it's difficult to determine whether there is or not, since the date of the hokku is unknown.
Above is a famous portrait of Rikyu, a reproduction of which Issa could have seen. In contrast, the smile by the "tea sage" in the hokku is striking.
Chris Drake
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
. Zen-Master Eisai 栄西禅師 (1141 - 1215) - Saint of Tea 茶の聖. .
source : himawari6.blog14.fc2.com
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Sen Rikyuu, Sen Rikyū 千利休 Sen Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu
Sen Rikyū 千利休
1522 - April 21, 1591 (some dates give March 28.)
陰暦二月二十八日 28th day of the 2nd lunar month
the historical figure with the most profound influence on chanoyu, the Japanese "Way of Tea", particularly the tradition of wabi-cha. Rikyū is known by many names; for convenience this article will refer to him as Rikyū throughout.
There are three iemoto (sōke), or "head houses" of the Japanese Way of Tea, that are directly descended from Rikyū:
the Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Mushakōjisenke,
all three of which are dedicated to passing forward the teachings of their mutual family founder, Rikyū.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
If you have one pot
And can make your tea in it
That will do quite well.
How much does he lack himself
Who must have a lot of things?
When you hear the splash
Of the water drops that fall
Into the stone bowl
You will feel that all the dust
Of your mind is washed away.
Sen Rikyu
. WKD : Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 .
- - - Look at a tea ceremony on his memorial day :
source : www.urasenke.or.jp/textm
Rikyuu Ki 利休忌 (りきゅうき) Rikyu Memorial Day
Sooeki Ki 宗易忌(そうえきき)
Rikyuu Ki 利久忌(りきゅうき)
kigo for mid-spring
we drink
green tea
with ceremony
- Shared by Pat Geyer -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
- - - - -
Sen Rikyu film--
a passing silhouette goes
with the subtitles
We watched a marvelous Film at the movie theatre hall. The movie was about a tea Master called Rikyu and his way of tea preparation, his life with his pupil(s) and his philosophies concerning "The way Of tea". If I can remember well, he attached "Tea" with simplicity and modesty until his death. Tea ceremony, we were told,is a ritual conducted even now.
Caleb Mutua, Kenya 2009
- - - - -
rikyuubai 利休梅 "Rikyu plum"
..... 利久梅(りきゅうばい)
リキュウバイ - Exochorda racemosa
Pearlbush or Common Pearlbush, is a species of plant in the rose family.
plant kigo for early summer
Matsuo Basho remembers Sen Rikyu and Sakai
. kuchikiri ni Sakai no niwa zo natsukashiki .
kuchikiri ceremony
. sode no iro yogorete samushi koi nezumi .
in memoriam of the father of Senka, Basho's disciple 仙化が父追善
Sen no Rikyu 千 利休, another famous tea master at the times of Shokado, used to serve his meals in a box in the form of a half-moon (hangetsu 半月).
. Shookadoo 松花堂 Shokado "Pine Flower Pavillion" .
- - - -
Rikyuu meshi 利休めし rice cooked "a la Rikyu"
Rice is cooked with hoojicha tea, then dashi broth is added. Some green stems of rape (na no hana) are added as topping.
This is a typical dish of spring.
source : www.ginza-mikawaya.jp - with recipe
Rikyuu abe daikon 利休あへ大根り radish "a la Rikyu"
Flavored with cinamon and sesame.
Rikyuu tamago - Kurumi tamago 利休卵 / 胡桃卵 - eggs "a la Rikyu"
Simmered egg with ground sesame seeds (or ground walnut meat), flavored with soy sauce and sake.
. 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo 江戸料理百選 .
Rikyu Rat Grey, Rikyuu nezu 利休鼠
The Nature of Rikyu Grey
..... If one is going to name a certain sensation, formulate an outline of its features, trace its history or search for the origin of that sensation, it must inspire a profound sympathy yet awake a certain critical awareness. For me, such a sensation is "Rikyu grey." The sensation of Rikyu grey represents an aesthetic of an ambivalent or multiple meaning. My interest in it began seventeen years ago when, with a number of friends, I had started the Metabolism movement and developed a strong dissatisfaction with functional architecture.
Function as a criterion in architecture achieved many things, but it also resulted in the articulation and concretization of space.
In the process of providing rationally and clearly articulated spaces, the virtues of nebulous and undifferentiated space that naturally exist between demarcated areas was totally neglected. Spaces which might embrace tow or more meanings were eliminated in functional architecture.
A long philosophical essay :
Read about this color and Japanese Architecture
. WKD : The Color Gray and Haiku .
Rediscovering Rikyu and the Beginnings of the Japanese Tea Ceremony
Stephen Mansfield
Herbert Plutschow’s “rediscovery” of the great tea master, Sen-no-Rikyu (1522-91), explores the complex relationship between politics and the arts during the final years of the Warring States era. The author is less interested in Rikyu’s achievements and legacy than why his suicide was the inevitable result of the collision of art, politics and ritual. In an object lesson on not mixing politics and aesthetics, Rikyu’s relations with the generalissimo Toyotomi Hideyoshi would prove disastrous. An admirer of Rikyu, Hideyoshi exploited the locations of teahouses as venues for secret political meetings, something that must have deeply unsettled the tea master.
Although the reasons remain largely unexplained, Plutschow comes as close as any writer to revealing the truth of Rikyu’s death: his position, it seems, his very authority and status, somehow represented a slight to the general, prompting him to order the master to commit seppuku (ritual disembowelment). With typical resignation, and a touch of studied disassociation, Rikyu’s death poem, not included in this book, reads:
Seventy years of life
Ha ha! And what a fuss!
With this sacred sword of mine
Both Buddhas and Patriarchs I kill.
- source : Japan Times, January 2016 -
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
hatsu-shimo ya egao misetaru cha no hijiri
first frost --
a smile on the face
of the tea sage Rikyu
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku was found among Issa's papers after he died (Collected Works 1.650), so its date of composition is unknown, though it is probably from late in his life. Issa uses an epithet (also pronounced chasei 茶聖) to evoke the most famous tea master in Japanese history, Sen no Rikyu (1522-91), who came to be regarded as a sage or wizard. (The term is sometimes translated tea saint, but the worldly Rikyu was not a typical saint.) Rikyu perfected a simple, bare style of tea ceremony that was held in small teahouses in gardens designed to suggest wild nature and carried out as a form of spiritual meditation.
His style of reclusive, Zen-influenced tea ceremony was also perfect for secret negotiations between warlords, and Rikyu overheard many top-secret conversations during his career. The shogun Hideyoshi trusted him and made him his official tea master, but for some reason, perhaps because of a paranoid belief that Rikyu considered himself greater than Hideyoshi, he ordered Rikyu to commit ritual suicide with a sword. Rikyu, living dangerously in a period when various warlords were struggling for power, was portrayed with a very dour look on his face, an expression he must have used when leading tea ceremonies for powerful warriors, but Issa evokes him in a private moment. The implication may be that Rikyu, a commoner who lived and worked in a warrior world, is smiling a rare smile.
It is natural for Rikyu to be smiling, because the appearance of frost indicates that the Way of Tea New Year's is near or has just arrived. The tea ceremony annual schedule began early in the 10th month on the first Day of the Wild Boar (around the middle of November). On this day in Japan all sorts of ovens, hearths, and fireplaces were lit for the first time amid celebrations and the eating of special foods such as boar-shaped rice cakes.
For tea masters, this was the day on which they lit a fire in the sunken hearth in an opening in the straw-mat floor of the tea house. From the 4th through 9th months they used charcoal braziers for heating (but not boiling) water for tea in iron teapots, but they preferred cold weather and sunken hearths. Soon after the hearth was lit, another important New Year's ceremony was held: large, tightly sealed jars of freshly plucked tea leaves from early in the summer were opened for the first time, and the leaves were ground into fine green powder to which not-quite-boiling water was added during the tea ceremony. This powdered tea was the most common form of tea used at tea ceremonies, and grinding the leaves was done with great care.
The first frost in the hokku indicates that the best season of the year for holding tea ceremonies has arrived, and Rikyu has reason to smile. He may also be smiling because the delicate frost will be walked through by his visitors to his morning tea ceremony, adding a dimension of ethereal beauty to the overall performance. There may also be some sort of historical reference to Rikyu's life in the hokku, but it's difficult to determine whether there is or not, since the date of the hokku is unknown.
Above is a famous portrait of Rikyu, a reproduction of which Issa could have seen. In contrast, the smile by the "tea sage" in the hokku is striking.
Chris Drake
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
. Zen-Master Eisai 栄西禅師 (1141 - 1215) - Saint of Tea 茶の聖. .
source : himawari6.blog14.fc2.com
- Reference - Japanese -
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- #rikyu #senrikyu -
- - - RRR
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- - - - - - - - - - RRR - - - - - - - - - - -
Ragyoo 裸行上人 Ragyo Shonin "the naked saint" - (? - around 350)
RAITE-U, Hiratsuka Raiteu 平塚らいてう - Raichō Hiratsuka (平塚雷鳥 Hiratsuka Raichō, Hiratsuka Haruko)
May 24. 1886年2月10日 - 1971年5月24日 - Raite-U Ki らいてう忌 - Raichoo Ki らいちょうき
Raigoo, Raigō 頼豪 Priest Raigo of Mii Temple - (1002 - 1084)
Ranran, 嵐蘭 Matsukura 松倉盛教
Raku Kichizaemon XV 樂 吉左衛門 Potter of the Raku tradition
Ransetsu, Hattori Ransetsu (1654-1707)
. Reigan 霊巌 Priest Reigan . (1554 - 1641)
Rennyo 蓮如 saint Rennyo (1415-1499)
Rennyo-Ki 蓮如忌
Rika 李下 - disciple of Basho
Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu 千利休 Sen Rikyū and the tea ceremony. Rikyuu Ki 利休忌
Roboku 廬牧 (1628–1706). Ise
ROGETSU, Ishii Rogetsu 石井露月 September 18. (1873-1928)
Rogetsu Ki 露月忌 - Kabocha Ki 南瓜忌 - Senjin Ki 山人忌
ROHAN, Kooda Rohan, Kōda 幸田 露伴 Koda Rohan (23 July 1867 – 30 July 1947)
Rohan Ki 露伴忌 - Kagyuu KI 蝸牛忌
Rokujo no Miyasudokoro 六条御息所 Lady Rokujo and Genji
Rokusa 大工六三 Rokusa the Carpenter in Edo
and the courtesan Osono, O-Sono
Rooben 良弁僧正 Priest Roben Sojo (689 - 773)
Ryooge, Ryōgen 良源 Ryogen Daishi - (912 - 985) Priest
- - - Ganzan Daishi 元三大師, Tsuno Daishi
ROOKA 浪化 Saint Roka November 11, October 9. (1672 - 1703)
of the temple Zuisen-Ji - haikai poet, friend of Basho
Rooka Ki 浪化忌
RYOOI, RYOO-I, Sumi-no-kura Ryooi 角倉了以 (July 12. 1554年 - 1614年8月17日)
Suminokura Ryoi - Ryooi Ki 了以忌
RYOOTA, Ooshima Ryoota 大島蓼太 Oshima Ryota .
September 9. 1718-1787. Haiku Poet. Ryoota Ki 蓼太忌
. Rosei 廬生 Lu Sheng . (713 - 741) China
Ruson Sukezaemon 呂宋助左衛門 - Merchant in the Muromachi period *
Ryookan san 良寛さん Ryokan (1758-1831) - Taigu 大愚 - Ryookan Ki 良寛忌
Ryuutatsu 隆達 Ryutatsu - 高三隆達 Takasabu Ryutatsu (1527 - 1611)
. . . . . and a monk named Roosai 弄斎 Rosai.
. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .
- - - - - - - - - - RRR - - - - - - - - - - -
Ragyoo 裸行上人 Ragyo Shonin "the naked saint" - (? - around 350)
RAITE-U, Hiratsuka Raiteu 平塚らいてう - Raichō Hiratsuka (平塚雷鳥 Hiratsuka Raichō, Hiratsuka Haruko)
May 24. 1886年2月10日 - 1971年5月24日 - Raite-U Ki らいてう忌 - Raichoo Ki らいちょうき
Raigoo, Raigō 頼豪 Priest Raigo of Mii Temple - (1002 - 1084)
Ranran, 嵐蘭 Matsukura 松倉盛教
Raku Kichizaemon XV 樂 吉左衛門 Potter of the Raku tradition
Ransetsu, Hattori Ransetsu (1654-1707)
. Reigan 霊巌 Priest Reigan . (1554 - 1641)
Rennyo 蓮如 saint Rennyo (1415-1499)
Rennyo-Ki 蓮如忌
Rika 李下 - disciple of Basho
Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu 千利休 Sen Rikyū and the tea ceremony. Rikyuu Ki 利休忌
Roboku 廬牧 (1628–1706). Ise
ROGETSU, Ishii Rogetsu 石井露月 September 18. (1873-1928)
Rogetsu Ki 露月忌 - Kabocha Ki 南瓜忌 - Senjin Ki 山人忌
ROHAN, Kooda Rohan, Kōda 幸田 露伴 Koda Rohan (23 July 1867 – 30 July 1947)
Rohan Ki 露伴忌 - Kagyuu KI 蝸牛忌
Rokujo no Miyasudokoro 六条御息所 Lady Rokujo and Genji
Rokusa 大工六三 Rokusa the Carpenter in Edo
and the courtesan Osono, O-Sono
Rooben 良弁僧正 Priest Roben Sojo (689 - 773)
Ryooge, Ryōgen 良源 Ryogen Daishi - (912 - 985) Priest
- - - Ganzan Daishi 元三大師, Tsuno Daishi
ROOKA 浪化 Saint Roka November 11, October 9. (1672 - 1703)
of the temple Zuisen-Ji - haikai poet, friend of Basho
Rooka Ki 浪化忌
RYOOI, RYOO-I, Sumi-no-kura Ryooi 角倉了以 (July 12. 1554年 - 1614年8月17日)
Suminokura Ryoi - Ryooi Ki 了以忌
RYOOTA, Ooshima Ryoota 大島蓼太 Oshima Ryota .
September 9. 1718-1787. Haiku Poet. Ryoota Ki 蓼太忌
. Rosei 廬生 Lu Sheng . (713 - 741) China
Ruson Sukezaemon 呂宋助左衛門 - Merchant in the Muromachi period *
Ryookan san 良寛さん Ryokan (1758-1831) - Taigu 大愚 - Ryookan Ki 良寛忌
Ryuutatsu 隆達 Ryutatsu - 高三隆達 Takasabu Ryutatsu (1527 - 1611)
. . . . . and a monk named Roosai 弄斎 Rosai.
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