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Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏
(1305 – 1358)

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Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏
(1305 – June 7, 1358) was the founder and first shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate. His rule began in 1338, beginning the Muromachi period of Japan, and ended with his death in 1358. He was a descendant of the samurai of the (Minamoto) Seiwa Genji line (meaning they were descendants of Emperor Seiwa) who had settled in the Ashikaga area of Shimotsuke Province, in present day Tochigi Prefecture.
According to famous Zen master and intellectual Musō Soseki, who enjoyed his favor and collaborated with him, Takauji had three qualities.
- First, he kept his cool in battle and was not afraid of death.
- Second, he was merciful and tolerant.
- Third, he was very generous with those below him.
Takauji was a general of the Kamakura shogunate sent to Kyoto in 1333 to put down the Genkō War which had started in 1331.
After becoming increasingly disillusioned with the Kamakura shogunate over time, Takauji joined the banished Emperor GoDaigo II and Kusunoki Masashige, and seized Kyoto. Soon after, Nitta Yoshisada joined their cause, and laid siege to Kamakura. When the city fell to Nitta, the Shogunal regent, Hōjō Takatoki, and his clansmen committed suicide. This ended the Kamakura shogunate, as well as the Hōjō clan's power and influence.
GoDaigo was enthroned once more as emperor, reestablishing the primacy of the Imperial court in Kyoto and starting the so-called Kenmu Restoration.
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At the decisive Battle of Minatogawa in 1336, Takauji defeated Yoshisada again and killed Masashige, allowing him to seize Kyoto for good. Emperor Kōmyō of the illegitimate Northern Court (see below) was installed as emperor by Takauji in opposition to the exiled Southern Court, beginning the turbulent Northern and Southern Court period (Nanboku-chō), which saw two emperors fight each other and which would last for almost 60 more years.
Besides other honors,
Emperor GoDaigo II had given Takauji the title of Chinjufu Shogun 鎮守府将軍, or Commander-in-chief of the Defense of the North, and the courtly title of the Fourth Rank, Junior Grade.
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- - - - - His jisei 辞世 last poem
良し悪しと 人をば言ひて たれもみな わが心をや 知らぬならん

Takatoki and Tengu
Hokusai"Ehon Wa-Kan no Homare"
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

柳川 創造 古城 武司
Emperor Go-Daigo, Godaigo (後醍醐天皇 Go-Daigo-tennō)
(November 26, 1288 – September 19, 1339) was the 96th emperor of Japan.
..... In 1333, Emperor Go-Daigo escaped from Oki with the help of Nawa Nagatoshi and his family, raising an army at Funagami Mountain in Hōki Province (the modern town of Kotoura in Tōhaku District, Tottori Prefecture). Ashikaga Takauji, who had been sent by the shogunate to find and destroy this army, sided with the emperor and captured the Rokuhara Tandai. .....
..... When Ashikaga's army entered Kyōto, Emperor Go-Daigo resisted, fleeing to Mount Hiei, but seeking reconciliation, he sent the imperial regalia to the Ashikaga side. Takauji enthroned the Jimyōin-tō emperor, Kōmyō, and officially began his shogunate with the enactment of the Kenmu Law Code ... Go-Daigo escaped from the capital in Jan. 1337, the regalia that he had handed over to the Ashikaga being counterfeit, and set up the Southern Court among the mountains of Yoshino, beginning the Period of Northern and Southern Courts in which the Northern Dynasty in Kyōto and the Southern Dynasty in Yoshino faced off against each other.
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Emperor Godaigo, dreaming of ghosts in his palace
Ogata Gekkō
. Kasagidera 笠置寺 Kasagi-Dera in Kyoto .
On August 27th in Genkou 1 ( the 1st year of Genkou, in 1331 ), Emperor Go Daigo 後醍醐天皇, who attempted to usurp power from the Kamakura shougunate but failed, escaped into Kasagi Dera. For about a month, these was a battle between Emperor Go Daigo and the Kamakura shougunate (Kasagiyama no Tatakai 笠置山の戦い Siege of Mount Kasagiyama). At the end, Emperor Go Daigo lost and retreated to Yoshino Yama. Only the burnt ruins of Kasagi Dera remained.
Tōji-In 等持院 Toji-In
dedicated to Ashikaga Takauji
and a Daruma

Reikō-den 霊光殿 and the famous
riun Jizo bosatsu, ri-un 利運地蔵菩薩
Jizo to win in battle
. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .
. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu 足利 義満 (1358 - 1408).
The third Ashikaga Shogun and the Higashiyama Culture in Kyoto
Fudo Myo-O on the breast plate of the armour of Ashikaga Takauji
. yoroi Fudoo 鎧不動 Fudo Myo-O and armour .
. basara ばさら / 婆娑羅 / バサラ flamboyant elegance .
..... Basara activities were banned in the Kenmu Code, which was the fundamental code of laws for the shogunate established by Takauji Ashikaga in 1336.

佐藤和彦 - 足利尊氏
A homepage for Ashikaga Takauji
- source : www.ashikagatakauji.jp -
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
. Matsuo Basho in Kanegasaki, Tsuruga .
The mystery background story
of the war bell at the bottom of the sea
..... The castle Kanegasakijoo 金崎城 / 鐘ヶ崎城 is the place where Nitta Yoshisada (1301 - 1338) fought against Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏 (1305 - 1358), who was trying to topple the government.
Takauji no tsumebaka ni naku hooshizemi
at the grave of
the nails of Takauji
a monk cicada is singing
西岡史代 Nishioka Fumiyo

This grave for his nails 尊氏の爪墓 is at the temple 安楽寺 Anraku-Ji, Nagahama, which was constructed on Takauji's orders at the time of his death.
- source : ameblo.jp/lani-lani-aroma-

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龍岡晋 Tatsuoka Shin (1904 - 1983)
田中水桜 Tanaka Suioo
This famous portrait is most probably not Takauji himself, but his brother Tadayoshi 足利直義.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
gunjin kago 軍神加護 divine protection by the God of War
Takauji tried everything to win a battle. Before he had to fight 楠木正成 Kusunoki Masashige and 新田義貞 Nitta Yoshisada he prayed at the Munakata Shrine in Buzen (now Fukuoka) and asked for winning.
Nitta was a great general too, but he lost because he did not make offerings to a deity.
His problem with Godaigo Tenno 後醍醐天皇
After he fought Godaigo Tenno and founded the 足利幕府 Ashikaga Bakufu government, there were many rumous that the vengeful spirit of Godaigo would now cause trouble for the land. Since the spirit could not be consoled by a human, Takauji had the temple 天龍寺 Tenryu-Ji offer prayers for the sould and finally things calmed down.
『太平記』巻25「天龍寺事」 - as written in the Taiheiki, Volume 25.
His relation with the Tengu 天狗
yahiroi Jizo 矢拾いの地蔵 Jizo to pick up the arrows
“Shōgun Ashikaga Takauji 足利 尊氏, a fervent Jizō devotee, drew a picture of Jizō and worshipped it daily."
"Jōkōmyōji Temple 浄光明寺 in Kamakura houses a statue of Jizō called the Yahiroi Jizō 矢拾い地蔵, literally Arrow-Gathering Jizō. According to legend, Yahiroi Jizō appeared as a child-monk on the battlefield to save Ashikaga Tadayoshi 足利直義 (1306-52), the younger brother of Ashikaga Takauji, by gathering arrows after Tadayoshi had run out of weapons."
. Shogun Jizo 勝軍地蔵 Victorious Jizo .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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Kabuki - Shinrei Yaguchi no Watashi
The play "Shinrei Yaguchi no Watashi" was originally written for the puppet theater (Bunraku) and staged in the 1st lunar month of 1770 in Edo at the Gekiza. It was adapted to Kabuki many years later and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1794 at the Kiriza.

- Summary
During the reign of the Emperor Godaigo, the wicked Ashikaga Takauji attempted to dethrone the Emperor and set up a pretender in his place. A great battle was fought on the Plain of Musashino, near what later became Edo. The commander of the Imperial army was Nitta Yoshioki, a famous soldier. He and his troops fought courageously, but were defeated through the treachery of a man whom Yoshioki believed to be his friend. Yoshioki himself was murdered by this same false friend at Yaguchi, where a ferry crossed the Tama River.
- source : www.kabuki21.com/yaguchi_no_watashi -
. 新田義貞 Nitta Yoshisada (1301 - 1338) .
- Reference - 足利尊氏 -
- Reference - English -
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Takauji 尊氏せんべい Senbei rice crackers

Takauji monaka 最中 waffles with his kao 花押 signature

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yakuyoke Fudo 厄除不動尊 "Fudo to ward off evil"
降魔山 Gomazan 護国院 Gokoku-In 経音寺 Kyoon-Ji
The temple was used by 足利尊氏 Ashikaga Takauji to have fire rituals performed. A special hall for these rituals was built, 護摩堂 Goma Do. The main statues in this hall are
godai Myo-o 五大明王 the Five great Myo-O.
Temple Ankokuji 安国寺 Ankoku-Ji, Kama , Fukuoka
When 足利尊氏 Ashikaga Takauji had lost a battle and was fleeing to the mountains,
he passed Shimoyamada and prayed to Yakushi at this temple.
Takauji also had the statue of 白衣観音 Byaku-E Kannon placed in the temple.
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