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Kamada Matahachi (Kamata Matahachi) 鎌田又八
(? 1657)
A fictional figure. Taken up in Kabuki.
梅鎌田大力巷説 Ume Kamata Daikikibanashi
There was a feud in a local samurai family of Iga (Mari) no Kanemitsu, who was having an affair with his brother's widow. The loyal retainer, Matahachi and the mistress of the Lord, 菊野 Kikuno, have to take the blame for it all.
They are set up as adulterers by 毬埜兼満 Mari no Kanemitsu and murdered for that crime by putting them in a basket, bound firmly back to back, and thrown in a river to drown.
But later the nun 経題尼 Kyodai-Ni tells the true story to rehabilitate them.
Matahachi was known as a strong man killing various Yokai monsters.

source : museums.fivecolleges.edu/detai
Katsushika Hokusa 葛飾北斎
Kamada Matahachi Chikara [Kamada Matahachi (has) strength]
from the book Ehon Wakan Homare [Picture Book of Noted Japanese and Chinese (Heroes)]
A vertical print of a half-naked man sitting on the floor with a box to his right and a pipe container and a small box to his left. Grabing his left leg with his left hand and smoking a kiseru pipe, he inserts a brush in his sandal and uses it to write inscriptions to the left. The expert brushman, Kamata Matahachi, demonstrates his deftness with the brush. He is seated smoking a kiseru pipe, a brush is inserted in his sandal.

Here Matahachi is shown killing a monstrous nekomata cat in the mountains of Ise Province.

Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川邦芳
Kamada Matahachi of Matsuzaka fighting off wolves with a huge iron bar in the Ashigara Mountains of Izu

Sadashige aratame Kuniteru 貞重改国輝
The immensely strong man Kamata Matahachi lifts up a huge temple pillar to put his sandal under it, in order to demonstrate his strength. A flock of disturbed pigeons fly up in front of the temple altar.
This scene happened in Karuizawa.

source : artic.edu/aic/collections/artwork
Torii Kiyonobu I 鳥居清信
The Actors 市川団十郎 Ichikawa Danjuro II as Kamada Matahachi and
市川門之助 Ichikawa Monnosuke I as 久松 Hisamatsu
in the play "Osome Hisamatsu Shinju Tamoto no Shirashibori,"
performed at the Morita Theater, 1720, 1720
Osome Hisamatsu tamoto no chirachibori (Story of Osome and Hisamatsu, 1711)
A play written by Ki no Kaion.

- quote -
The ghost of Kamata Matahachi
This print represents a scene from the kabuki play True record of the famous song for hand-balls, which was performed in the Nakamura Theatre in the seventh month of 1855.
The tragedy of the play concerns the Mari family. Mari Yashiro made love to his brother's widow, who had become a nun after her husband's death. When his wrong-doing came to be known to his servant Kamata Matahachi and his dead brother's concubine Kikuno, Yashiro had them both killed.
In this print, Kamata Matahachi and Kikuno appear as ghosts tied facing in opposite directions, accompanied by their spirit fires. Both are identified by the inscriptions in the cartouches.
The print is signed 'Toyokuni', the name of his teacher who Kunisada had adopted in 1844.
- source : ngv.vic.gov.au/ngvschools -

source : ukiyo-e.org/image/mfa/sc
Actors Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Marino Kanemitsu (R),
Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Ghost of Kamada Matahachi (Kamada Matahachi bôrei) and
Ghost of Kikuno (Kikuno ga bôrei) (C),
Iwai Kumesaburô III as the Nun Kyôdai (L)

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OSOME NO NANAYAKU - "Osome's seven roles"
Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri
Act I, scene 1: within the precincts of the Myôken Shrine in Yanagishima
Act I, scene 2: the zashiki of the Hashimotoya
Act I, scene 3: the Koume Tobacco Shop
Act II, scene 1: at the Aburaya in Kawara-machi
Act II, scene 2: on the 2nd floor behind the Aburaya in Kawara-machi
Act III, scene 1: the michiyuki at Mukôjima
- Read the full text here:
- source : kabuki21.com/osome_no_nanayaku-
. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
- reference - 鎌田又八 -
- reference : 梅鎌田大力巷説 -
- Reference - kamada matahachi -
- reference - kamata matahachi -
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