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Udagawa Yooan, Udagawa Yōan 宇田川榕菴 Udagawa Yoan
(1798 - 1846)

- quote
a 19th-century Japanese scholar of Western studies, or "Rangaku". In 1837, he published the first volume of his Introduction to Chemistry (舎密開宗 Seimi Kaisō), a compilation of scientific books in Dutch, which describes a wide range of scientific knowledge from the West. Most of the Dutch original material appears to be derived from William Henry's 1799 Elements of Experimental Chemistry. In particular, the book contains a very detailed description of the electric battery invented by Volta forty years earlier in 1800. The battery itself was constructed by Udagawa in 1831 and used in experiments, including medical ones, based on a belief that electricity could help cure illnesses.
Udagawa's Science of Chemistry also reports for the first time in details the findings and theories of Lavoisier in Japan. Accordingly, Udagawa made numerous scientific experiments and created new scientific terms, which are still in current use in modern scientific Japanese: e.g., “oxygen” (酸素 sanso), “hydrogen” (水素 suiso), “nitrogen” (窒素 chisso), “carbon” (炭素 tanso), “oxidation” (酸化 sanka), “reduction” (還元 kangen), “saturation” (飽和 hōwa), “dissolution” (溶解 yōkai) and “element” (元素 genso).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Tsuyama Archives of Western Learning 津山洋学資料館
- reference source : tsuyama-yougaku.jp -
- Other doctors and scientists from Tsuyama -
宇田川興斎 Udagawa Yosai (1821 - 1887)
久原洪哉 Kuhara Kosai (1825 - 1896)
仁木永祐 Nigi Eisuke (1830 - 1902)
宇田川準一 Udagawa Junichi (1848 - 1913)
Udagawa Yoan and Coffee

The origin of the Chinese characters for coffee 珈琲

- reference source : nsh-s.com/wp... -
In Okayama there was a school for rangaku 蘭学 Dutch learning of the West.
One of the masters there was 宇田川榕菴 Udagawa Yoan.
He knew the Dutch word koffie and introduced the Kanji for it.
There are now sometimes memorial services in a temple, where coffee is offered to the ancestors and the visitors
- but in tea cups of the time.
. Coffee, Kaffee and Haiku .
津山藩主松平家菩提所 天崇山 泰安寺 Taian-Ji

Offering Coffee at the temple
. 泰安寺 Taian-Ji .
Mead, Mede in the Edo Period in Japan ミード / 蜂蜜酒
During a recent research an essay was found in the Archives of Western Learning in the city of Tsuyama in Western Japan. One of the doctors working for the local feudal lord, Yudagawa Yoan (1798-1846), had studied European medicine and even introduced coffee to Japan.
He has written the following report about Mead, which he called MEDE:
Mead is an alcoholic beverage created by fermenting honey with water.
- Read the details here :
. Gabi Greve .
He also distinguished four different types of onsen 温泉 hot springs
salt, sulfur, alkali and plain hot
Yoan wrote about 諸国温泉試説 different types of hot springs when he was 29 years old.
- reference source : tsuyama-yougaku.jp... -
- source : iloveyu.jp/type-of-hot-springs... -
- Reference - 宇田川榕菴 -
- Reference - Udagawa Yoan -
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1 comment:
Udagawa choo, Udagawachō 宇田川町 Udagawa district
渋谷区 Shibuya ward, no sub-districts
The name might refers to a retainer of the Hojo clan
宇田川和泉守長清 Udagwa Izumi no Kami Nagakiyo
who had his estate in this area.
In 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi defeated the Hojo in Odawara and Hojo Ujimasa killed himself.
Later Udagawa in Edo became the head man of a district named after him.
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