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Manase Doosan, Manase Dōsan 曲直瀬道三 Manase Dosan
(1507 - 1594)
He studied medicine with 田代三喜 Tashiro Sanki (1465 - 1537).
Together with 永田徳本 Nagata Tokuhon (1513 - 1630)
they were the sansei 三聖 three most famous doctors of their time.

He studied at the famous school
. 足利学校 Ashikaga Gakkō, The Ashikaga School .
Japan's oldest academic institution. It is located in Ashikaga city, Tochigi Prefecture ...
Founded ca. 832 in the Heian period by the poet Ono no Takamura 小野篁.
He studied Chinese Medicine but applied it individually to the needs of his patients, after taking the pulse and talking to the sick person.
. kanpoo 漢方 Chinese Medicine .
He never demanded money for his treatment and looked at the poor and the rich with equal diligence. He travelled a lot to various parts and patients in Japan.

医の旅路はるか -曲直瀬道三とその師田代三喜篇
- - - 曲直瀬玄朔と聖医父曲直瀬道三篇
A novel about "travelling in the footsteps of Doctor Manase"
He treated the Ashikaga Shogun, Lord Mori Motonari and even Oda Nobunaga. But always came back to treat the people of the cities where he passed.
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曲直瀬 道三(まなせ どうさん)
(永正4年9月18日(1507年10月23日) - 文禄3年1月4日(1594年2月23日))は、戦国時代から安土桃山時代の日本の医師。道三は号。諱は正盛(しょうせい)。字は一渓。他に雖知苦斎(すいちくさい)、翠竹庵(すいちくあん)、啓迪庵(けいてきあん)など。本姓は元は源氏、のち橘氏。今大路家の祖。日本医学中興の祖として田代三喜・永田徳本などと並んで「医聖」と称される。養子[1]に曲直瀬玄朔。
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神麴の処方応用 shingiku treatment
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神麴 shingiku treatment
Garland Chrysanthemum
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the herb corrects imbalances in liver and kidney function that cause issues with the eyes, and dizziness.
Garland chrysanthemum – which is known as Shingiku in Japan, Choy Suey Green in old Chinatown, Tong Hao in China, and Crown Daisy in England – is a healthy, edible plant native to East Asia.
- source : healwithfood.org -
- - - His main publications - - -
Benshō haizai itō (弁証配剤医灯)
Hyakufuku zusetsu (百腹図説)
Keiteki-shū (啓迪集)
Shinkyū shūyō (鍼灸集要)
Shinmyaku kuden-shū (診脈口伝集)
Shōshin-shū (正心集)
Yakushō nōdoku (薬性能毒)
Manase Dōsan zenshū (曲直瀬道三全集) Complete Works of Dosan
Manase Dosan (the Elder) and leprosy
The aim of this paper is to describe the main features of Manase Dosan's (1507-1594) study and treatment of leprosy. Contrary to general medical opinion in the Middle Ages that leprosy was the result of divine retribution.
Dosan viewed leprosy as simply another disease and treated it accordingly from a medical perspective. Furthermore, the commonly held belief from the latter half of the 17th century onwards amongst Early Modern era doctors and also the general populace that leprosy was a hereditary disease, was not considered by Dosan.
The foregoing two points can be explained by his rational approach to medicine, plus the fact that leprosy at the time was widely prevalent amongst all areas of society, not just restricted to particular households. It is thus fair to say that Dosan's medical philosophy reflected the state of Japanese society during the transition from medieval to the Early Modern period. It should be noted, however, that Dosan's view that leprosy was caused by meat-eating and overindulgence in sex gave rise to a new, negative image of the disease, and in so doing tied in with the Early Modern era prejudices against "lust", "intemperance" and "laziness."
Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi. 1995
- source : National Center for Biotechnology Information -
Medical thought of Dosan Manase's early years. (1)
The meaning of the work "Toryu".
Dosan Manase was a famous Japanese doctor in the Muromachi era and was in the vanguard of the Goseiha school of Sino-Japanese traditional medicine. In his "Shinmyakukudenshu" we found an interesting account to explain the meaning of the word "Toryu", which was often found in the medical books written in Dosan's early years.
This word signifies "our school" in a general sense, but in this book Dosan used it with the additional meaning of his medical thought originating in Zhu dan xi who was a famous Chinese doctor in the Yuan age. In addition, he mentioned in the same book that Toryu was introduced from China into Japan by Dodo, succeeded by Sanki and propagated by himself.
Moreover our extensive investigation of other medical literature showed that Dosan, in his early years, tried to develop a system of medical thought on the basis of that of Zhu dan xi. This is worthy of note because it differs considerably from the stance adopted in Dosan's later years : while he valued Zhu dan xi, he referred to many medical books by various authors, and tried not to favour any particular school.
Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi. 1999
- source : National Center for Biotechnology Information -
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ein japanischer Arzt, der im Zeitalter der streitenden Reiche (戦国時代, Sengoku-jidai) auf die Entwicklung der Medizin in Japan einen entscheidenden Einfluss ausübte und neben Nagata Tokuhon und Tashiro Sanki zu den „Drei verehrungswürdigen Ärzten“ (三聖, sansei) im Umbruch zur Frühmoderne zählt. Auf ihn geht die „Schulrichtung des späteren Zeitalters“ (後世派, Gosei-ha auch 後世方派, Goseihō-ha) zurück.
- - - Leben
Manase hatte schon in der Kindheit seine Eltern verloren. 1516 trat er in den Shōkoku-Tempel (Shōkoku-ji), einen Zen-Tempel in Kyōto ein, wo er als Bettelmönch lebte. In dieser Zeit änderte er seinen Namen Tachibana (橘) zu Manase.
1528 ging er an die „Ashikaga-Schule“, eine der ältesten akademischen Einrichtungen des Landes, in der man Konfuzianismus, chinesische Medizin, Kriegswissenschaften, I Ging usw. lehrte. Hier gewann Manase Interesse an der Heilkunde. Nach einer Begegnung mit dem berühmten Arzt Tashiro Sanki wurde er dessen Schüler und befasste sich vor allem mit den Lehren der chinesischen Mediziner Li Gao (李杲), alias Li Dōngyuán (李東垣, 1180–1251) und Zhū Dānxī (朱丹溪, 1281–1358).
1546 kehrte Manase nach Kyōto zurück und praktizierte als Arzt. Nach einer erfolgreichen Behandlung des Shōgun Ashikaga Yoshiteru gewann er weitere hochrangige Patienten wie die Kriegsherren Hosokawa Harumoto (細川晴元), Miyoshi Nagayoshi (三好長慶) und Matsunaga Hisahide (松永久秀) und großes Ansehen. Schließlich gründete er die „Aufklärungsakademie“ (啓迪院, Keiteki-in). Die Behandlung von Mōri Motonari während eines Feldzuges führte zu der Schrift „Abendgespräche im Schnee-Feldlager“ (雲陣夜話, Setsujin yawa). 1574 verfasste er sein bekanntestes Werk, die „Keiteki-Sammlung“ (啓迪集, Keiteki-shū). Der Tennō Ōgimachi, dem er die Schrift nach einer Behandlung überreichte, beauftragte den Zen-Mönch Sakugen Shūryō mit einem Vorwort und gewährte Manase den Ehrennamen „Grünbambus Halle“ (翠竹院, Suichiku-in). Unter den namhaften Patienten finden wir auch Oda Nobunaga, einen der mächtigsten Feldherren jener Zeit.
Manase zog hunderte von Schülern an, die seine Lehren und Schriften weit verbreiteten. Ob er, wie es in Briefen der Jesuiten heißt, im Jahre 1584 anlässlich einer Behandlung des italienischen Missionars Gnecchi-Soldo Organtino zum Christentum übertrat und sich taufen ließ, ist umstritten. Fest steht allerdings, dass eine große Zahl seiner Schüler christliche Taufnamen führte.
Manase starb 1594 im Alter von 88 Jahren, posthum ein weiteres Mal geehrt durch die Ernennung zum Hofarzt im zweiten Rang. Der von ihm adoptierte Neffe Gensaku (曲直瀬玄朔, Manase Gensaku, 1549–1632) und dessen Nachfahren setzten über Generationen Dōsans ärztliche Tradition fort.
Manase begann eine vorsichtige Loslösung von der vor allem durch die Klöster betriebenen chinesischen Medizin und strebte zugleich eine Systematisierung an. Seine oft ausführlichen Krankengeschichten belegen die starke Betonung der Rolle von Beobachtung und Erfahrung. In diesem Punkt bereitete er eine stärkere Eigenständigkeit der japanischen Medizin vor.
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1 comment:
Shuichi Hara wrote:
曲直瀬道三 Manase Dosan reminds me of 道三濠 Dosan moat to connect Edo castle with Edo bay via 日本橋川 Nihonbashi river.
When 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu was transferred to Kanto (former territory of 北条氏 the Hojo clan) by 豊臣秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 家康 Ieyasu decided to construct the Castle town in Edo which was rural area instead of the castle town 小田原 Odawara of the Hojo clan.
Ieyasu ordered the vassals of the Tokugawas to dig the moat as well as to find the water source before the construction of the castle.
This moat was planned for water transport of goods and some says also transport of salt from 行徳 Gyoutoku, Chiba via Onaki river, Nihonbashi river and Dosan moat. We need water and salt to live on.
This moat is said to start 和田倉門 Wadakura mon Gate of Edo castle and go down to 大手町 Otemachi to the Nihonbashi river.
This moat went along the residence of Manase Dosan in Otemachi.
That's why we call this moat Dosan moat, but it became a closed moat.
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