
Asahina Yoshihide

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Asahina Saburo Yoshihide - 朝比奈三郎義秀

- quote
Asahina Yoshihide (朝比奈 義秀), also known as Asahina Saburō (朝比奈 三朗), was a Japanese warrior of the early 13th century, and the son of Wada Yoshimori (和田義盛, 1147-1213).
His name (also written with the characters 朝夷奈 (Asaina?) comes from Awa no Kuni's (安房) Asaina-gun (朝夷奈郡), where he lived at one time. Though very likely a historical figure, Yoshihide appears in literature and in kabuki as a somewhat superhuman legendary character. According to these, his mother was the renowned female warrior Tomoe Gozen, and he had superhuman strength which he used to accomplish a number of stunning feats.

Asahina's name is associated with some incredible feats. According to the Azuma Kagami, he and future shogun Minamoto no Yoriie, who were good friends, one day were together in Kotsubo. Yoriie said he had heard what a good swimmer Yoshihide was, and challenged him to give a demonstration of his prowess. Immediately, Asahina jumped into the sea and soon re-emerged with two or three sharks in his fists. Asahina is also mentioned in the Soga Monogatari as having competed for strength with Soga Goro Tokimune.

Finally and most famously, he is said to have opened the Asaina Pass by himself in one night, thus giving this extremely important pass his name.
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Asaina-Kiridoshi Pass (朝夷奈切通し)
Nowadays, the modern paved road runs nearby, but long ago this old path which connected Kamakura with Kanazawa (金沢) and Mutsura (六浦, the old name of present-day Mutsuura) was an important thoroughfare for people and vital goods.
In 1240, the Kamakura government, under Hojo Yasutoki (北条泰時, 1183-1242), the third regent, decided to construct a road between Kamakura and Mutsura. The undertaking was so important that Yasutoki himself inspected the construction work. The date of completion, however, was not recorded, even though the project was an official one. On the other hand, because the work was said to have been carried out at top speed, the huge achievement was attributed to a one-night feat by Asahina Saburo Yoshihide (朝比奈三郎義秀, ?-?), a warrior reputed to have been unrivaled in his day. It is from this legend that the Asahina Pass got its name.
A cascade next to the stone marker of the Asahina Pass also has his name, being called Saburo no Taki (三郎滝), Saburo Falls.
- source : www.kcn-net.org/e_kama_history


source : www.utagawahiroshige.nl

Asahina shimameguri no ki
Utagawa Toyohiro 1815-27, Bunkindō

Asaina shimameguri no ki - 朝比奈島巡り
Takizawa, Bakin, 1767-1848
- source : id.loc.gov/authorities

- 朝比奈諸国廻り図 - Asahina Saburo 朝夷三郎


Asahina no mon yaburi 朝比奈の門破り Asahina breaking the gate

. Nagahama ningyoo 長浜人形 dolls from Nagahama, Shimane .

- CLICK for more photos !


Shioname Jizo 塩嘗地蔵 Salt-tasting Jizo Bosatsu

This is a small statue in the neighbourhood of Kamakura, where I used to live closeby in the mountains of Juniso.
It is at the foot of the Asahina pass road from Kamakura to the Bay of Tokyo.

n earlier days, the statue stood beside the main road where many people passed by. The name of this Jizo derives from the following story: In the early days, salt sellers offered the Jizo a portion of their salt on their way to the town of Kamakura because they hoped for a successful trade. On their return, they always noticed that the salt was gone. They innocently believed Jizo had graciously tasted it and would give them luck. The legend attests the importance of this road for transportation of daily necessities such as salt.

. History of Salt in Japan .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

. Kamakura 鎌倉 A Haiku Town .


- Reference - 朝比奈三郎義秀 -
- Reference - English -


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- #asahina -


Ozaki Hosai


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for Sumitaku Kenshin, see below

Ozaki Hoosai 尾崎 放哉 Ozaki Hosai

20 January 1885 - 7 April 1926

Ozaki Hōsai (尾崎 放哉)
Ozaki Hoosai, Ozaki Hosai
Details in the wikipedia.

Haiku poet of the late Meiji period.

Hoosai Ki 放哉忌 (ほうさいき) Hosai Memorial Day
kigo for mid-spring

An alcoholic, Osaki witnessed the birth of the modern free verse haiku movement. His verses are permeated with loneliness, most likely a result of the isolation, poverty and poor health of his final years. He produced one volume of haiku.

CLICK for more information !

ichinichi mono iwazu choo no kage sasu

all day I say nothing
a butterfly casts a shadow

Tr. Gabi Greve


Hosai Museum at Shodoshima
1998 Hosai FriendShip Association


seki o shite mo hitori

Je tousse pourtant je suis seul

Even coughing -
I am alone.

He wrote this with an allusion to Santoka.


haru no yama no ushiro kara kemuri ga dedashita

La colline au printemps
derrière monte
une fumée

More translations in French
© nekojita


sabishii karada kara tsume ga nobidasu

from my lonely body
nails are growing longer

suzume no atatakasa o nigiru hanashite yaru

I feel the warmth of a sparrow in my hand
and then let it go

itsu shika tsuite kita ino to hamabe ni iru

a dog followed unnoticed
now with me on the beach


Sumitaku Kenshin  住宅顕信
1961年3月21日 - 1987年2月7日

Kenshin was born on March 21, 1961, in Okayama, west of Osaka, and was named Haruo (spring man) probably because that date in most years falls on the spring equinox in Japan. In September 1982 he started taking a correspondence course on Buddhism. In July 1983, when a normal Japanese at his age had just joined a corporation, he became a priest of the Pure Land sect of Buddhism, in a ceremony held at the Nishi-Honganji, Kyoto, and was given the name Kenshin (revealed faith).
In February 1984 he was diagnosed with leukemia and hospitalized. In October he became a member of the “free-rhythm” haiku group Sôun (Cumulus). In 1985 his conditions improved enough for him to leave the hospital, and for a few months he engaged in promoting “free-rhythm” haiku.
But soon he was back in the hospital and on February 7, of the following year, he died.

source : Hiroaki Sato - simplyhaiku.com, 2004


. Taneda Santooka 種田山頭火 Taneda Santoka .

- Reference - Japanese -

- Reference - English - Osaki Hosai -


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Hoshinaga Fumio


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Hoshinaga Fumio 星永文夫 
(1933 - )

- quote
Hoshinaga Fumio has developed a unique approach to haiku.
As a native of Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu, he is especially concerned with local tribal history and culture, and has discussed the possibility of ressurecting both nature and culture through poetic language. Hoshinaga was recently selected as one of 12 outstanding national gendai haijin.
- source : gendaihaiku.com/hoshinaga

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


きのこスープ飲む隣 戦争が来て坐る

ほら吹きがまた殖ゆ 五月の湿地帯

危険な書を積んで 石榴その上に



- source : www.weblio.jp/content


ni-juu oku koonen no gishoo
omae no B-gata

twenty billion light-years of perjury:
your blood type is "B"

"Blood-type B is rare in Japan; Type A is happier, but Type B carries a sense of melancholy. So, I felt my rebelliousness or revulsion could not be Type A – it must be blood-type B."
Hoshinaga Fumio (p. 173).
quote from
Poems of Consciousness, Richard Gilbert
source : Simply Haiku Summer 2008

. Bloodtypes and Haiku .   


Hoshinaga Fumio: - Selected Haiku from Kumaso-Ha

善人の順にかぞえて 六おぼろ
zennin no jun ni kazoete roku oboro

counting down the goodness of man:
from the sixth

The playfully dark, ironic metaphor of "becoming Hitler" is disjunctive, allowing a sense of depth to enter the haiku, a depth partly created through allusion. Due to itchy feet (a summer kigo), the author cannot smartly click his heels or march in goose-step. The poem presents a disturbing psychosocial complex indicating the will to power or assumption of dictatorial authority which often remains hidden in persons or society.

mizumushi ga kayukute Hitorâ ni wa narenu

Athelete’s foot itches –
still can’t become

The focal point of this haiku seems to be on a subject that is either indistinct or missing: the subject is not allowed or able to solidify or cohere. A difficult technique to manage, as an indistinct subject will in general create a haiku lacking in poetic direction — it will be unclear what images to base sensation upon. Ending with "obscure" (also "dreamlike, foggy," a spring kigo), the haiku seems to echo with multiple dimensions of obscurity — of goodness and its measurement, of finding goodness, and the sense that, in the human realm, such findings may be moot.

(trans. Gilbert & Ito, 2004)
- source : gendaihaiku.com/hoshinaga


- Reference - 星永文夫 -

- Reference - English -


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Murakami Kijo


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Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城 Murakami Kijo -
Murakami Kijō


source : www.bungaku.pref.gunma.jp

He born in Edo in 1865. The family moved to Takasaki city in 1873.
He was a friend of Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規, Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子, Oosuka Otsuji 大須賀乙字, and joined the group to publish the first edition of the haiku magazine 'Hototogisu'.
He published his first own collection in 1917.
He died on September 17th, 1938 at the age of 73.

Kijoo Ki 鬼城忌 (きじょうき ) Kijo Memorial Day
September 17

kigo for mid-autumn
. WKD : Memorial Days .

kijooki ya haijin ooki jookamachi

Kijo Memorial Day -
so many haiku poets
in the castle town

Furukawa Shimozuru 古川芋蔓

. jookamachi 城下町 Jokamachi, castle town .

. Takasaki Town and the Daruma Mascots 高崎達磨 .

- quote
Murakami Kijo (1865-1938) was a Japanese haiku poet, a frequent contributor to the haiku magazine Hototogisu, and one of the followers of the great modern master Masaoka Shiki.

As a young man, he studied law but had to give it up when he became deaf due to an illness. Starting in 1894, he worked as a legal scribe in a courthouse in Takasaki, a small town about sixty miles from Tokyo. With his meager salary, he had a difficult time supporting his ten children. He was fired in 1915, but the friends he had met though his poetry intervened and he returned to his post. In 1927, the luckless Kijo lost his possessions and his home in a fire.

Kijo is often compared to the great master Kobayashi Issa because both men led lives of sorrow and hardship and their work is characterized by a deep empathy.
source : everything2.com

- quote
Murakami Kijō war ein japanischer Lyriker.
Murakami verlor als Kind das Gehör und konnte daher keine Laufbahn im Militär- oder Staatsdienst einschlagen. Ab 1873 lebte er mit seiner Familie in Takasaki. Hier begann er Gedichte zu schreiben und wurde Schüler von Masaoka Shiki und Takahama Kyoshi. Er schloss sich der Gruppe um Masaoka an und arbeitete an deren Haiku-Magazin Hototogisu mit.
1917 veröffentlichte er die Haikusammlung Kijō kushū.
Posthum erschienen die beiden Gedichtbände Teihon Kijō kushū (1940) und Kijō haiku hairon-shū (1947).
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- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

jirooshu no you hodo mo naku same ni keri

not really drunk
from the deafness-curing sake
I get sober again

. WKD : jirooshu 治聾酒 deafness-curing sake .
kigo for mid-spring

麦飯に 何も申さじ 夏の月
mugimeshi ni nani mo moosaji natsu no tsuki

rice mixed with barley
and I can not even complain -
moon in summer

. WKD : mugimeshi 麦飯 rice with barley/wheat .
kigo for early summer

fuyubachi no shinidokoro naku arukikeri

a winter bee
with no place to die
keeps walking

. WKD : fuyu no hachi 冬の蜂 bee in winter .

harusame ya tashika ni mitaru ishi no sei

spring rain -
I really saw this
spirit of the stone

. WKD : magaibutsu 磨崖仏 stone-cliff Buddhas .


痩馬の あはれ機嫌や 秋高し
いささかの 金ほしがりぬ 年の暮
五月雨や 起き上がりたる 根無草
蟷螂の 頭まわして 居直りぬ
浅間山の 煙出て見よ 今朝の月
雹晴れて 豁然とある 山河かな
- His Haiku : haiku annai

- Reference : 村上鬼城

- Reference : Murakami Kijo


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Wang Wei - Poet


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- Wang Wei 王維 -

Wang Wei (traditional Chinese: 王維; simplified Chinese: 王维; pinyin: Wáng Wéi)
(699 - 759)
Ooi, Oi in Japanese

also known by other names such as Wang Youcheng, was a Tang Dynasty Chinese poet, musician, painter, and statesman. He was one of the most famous men of arts and letters of his time. Many of his poems are preserved, and twenty-nine were included in the highly influential 18th century anthology Three Hundred Tang Poems.

Wang Wei is especially known as a poet and painter of nature.

One of Wang Wei's famous poems is "One-hearted" ("Xiang Si"):


When those red beans come in springtime,
Flushing on your southland branches,
Take home an armful, for my sake,
As a symbol of our love.

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田園楽  其六 - Pastoral Nr. 6


Peaches in red bloom drink overnight showers.
Willows in green leaf appear beyond misty veil.
My boy is reluctant to sweep the fallen flowers.
Warblers sing to awake the hermit to no avail.

source : fminorop34


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

fuyu uguisu mukashi Oi ga kakine kana

Winter bush warbler!
Long, long ago,
That was in the hedge of Oi.

*Oi  (王維)  (A.D.701~761) was a poet who composed poetry of landscape and nature, and what is more, he was the originator of Southern painting, or Nan-ga, too.

*History of Chinese poetry during the Tang period is divided into four parts: the early Tang period, the golden Tang period, the middle Tang period and the late Tang period. Oi belongs to the golden Tang period (A.D. 713~766).

*Southern painting (Nan-ga) is one of the schools of ancient Chinese landscape painting. Buson held Oi in high esteem both as poet and painter.
*Oi had a villa on the bank of the river 'Mousen', which flows through ancient Randen district, located southeast of Changan, now called Sian. Bush warblers used to sing in the hedge of his villa, which was called ‘Mousen villa.'

*The Haiku was composed last but two on the 25th of December in the lunarcalendar, in 1783. On the day, sixty years old, the Poet, who had been ill in bed, breathed his last. The Haiku is recorded as one of his farewell poems.

The Poet Buson hears a bush warbler singing on his deathbed. The time was late winter in the lunar calendar. To be precise, it was just before dawn on the 25th of December. Prof. Ogata says he imagines the singing bush warbler may be the same that sang in the hedge of Oi in ancient times, in the Tang period.

The Poet is aware that death is coming for him, thinking of Oi, whom he has loved and respected as one of his respectable leaders of fine art and literature. Prof. Ogata says the Poet prays the bush warbler may lead him into the realm where the soul of Oi is waiting.

The Haiku and No. 6 in Spring are noteworthy in that in both of them the Poet expresses his strong longing and hearty respect for the two great persons respectively. The one is to Oi and the other to Basho. It is the deep-rooted reverence and admiration for the two great precursors or forerunners that supported his efforts to lead a tough but fruitful life as a painter and poet of a rare kind in the history of Japan.
The fact is really worth remembering on appreciating his art and literature.

Tr. and comment : Shoji Kumano (hokuto77) 熊野祥司

winter warbler
long ago, on Wang Wei's
brushwood fence

Tr. Crowley


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Sugino Suikei


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- Sugino Suikei 杉野翠兄
and 大島蓼太 Oshima Ryota -

He died on the 27th day of the 10th lunar month 文化10年.

He was an oil merchant in Ibaraki, Hitachi 常陸 Ryuugasaki竜ケ崎.
He studied haiku with Ooshima Ryoota 大島蓼太 Ryota - see below -. Ryota was a discpile of the Basho school of haikai. Both tried to revive the Basho Haikai movement.

His name was 以貞, but he was often called Jihei 治兵衛
Another haikai name was Tsukuba An 筑波庵 "Tsukuba Hermitage", Doorin 道隣 Dorin.

In 1781 he climbed Mount Tsukuba with Ryota. During this trip they wrote

Ryota 蓼太

つもる清水の 爰みなの川
Suikei 翠兄

source with more photos : doredore110

His grave is at temple Daitooji 大統寺 Daito-Ji in Ryugasaki, Ibaraki

. WKD : Mount Tsukuba (筑波山 Tsukuba-san) .


Suikei was a friend of

. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


Ooshima Ryoota 大島蓼太 Oshima Ryota
享保三年 (1718) ~天明七年(1787)

In 1743 he bublished a volume about "Oku no Hosomichi" 奥細道拾遺.
In 1759 he published a volume about the interpretation of hokku by Matsuo Basho. 『芭蕉句解』(蓼太著)

. Ryoota Ki 蓼太忌 Ryota Memorial Day .
September 9. - kigo for mid-autumn -


tomoshibi o mireba kaze ari yoru no yuki

in the flame of my lamp
i see just a hint of wind
on a night of snow

Tr. Steven D. Carter

in the light of the lamp
I can see the wind --
snowy night

Tr. Grzegorz

Discussing this haiku :
. Translating Haiku Forum .



June rain ?
one night, secretly
moon behind pines

source : haiku.diandian.com


mono iwazu kyaku to teishu to shiragiku to

nobody talks -
guests and host and
a white chrysanthemum

niemand spricht -
Gäste und Hausherr und
eine weisse Chrysantheme

Tr. Gabi Greve

Discussing this haiku :
. Translating Haiku Forum .


quote- more haiku by Ryota:

























source : michiko328



all the rains of June
and one evening secretly
through the pines the moon

they spoke no words
the visitor, the host
and the white chrysanthemum

saying nothing
guest and host
and white chrysanthemum

at the candle's light
I look and yes -- there is a wind
the snow tonight...

the autumn squall
blows the eagle
over the edge of the crag

bad-tempered I got back
then in the garden
the willow-tree

source : thegreenleaf.co.uk


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Issa wrote for him:

ima kara wa sakura hitori yo mado no mae

from now on
alone with cherry blossoms
outside your window

This hokku is from 4/13 (May 30) of 1806, five or six weeks after the cherry blossoms have fallen, when Issa was in a river town north of Edo.
The elegy mourns the death of the mother of Issa's friend Sugino Suikei (杉野翠兄 1754-1813), with whom he corresponded and linked renku verses. His mother seems to have been Suikei's only remaining parent, and the personal tone of the hokku suggests Issa may have met her. She has died recently, and the hokku is addressed to Suikei and tries to console him. In the future Suikei will surely miss his mother very much during the time of the cherry blossoms, since she died during or just after this time, and the blossoms will make him remember his mother all the more. Issa wants Suikei to know his thoughts will be with him not only now but whenever the cherry blossoms Suikei and his mother loved so much bloom in the future.

On the same day Issa wrote a second elegiac hokku for the soul of Suikei's mother:

imashigata kono yo ni ideshi semi no naku

just now
a cicada entered
this world crying

The hokku is mysterious. It says the soul of the cicada, one of the first of the year to appear, has just arrived in this world from the other world, and it hints that the cicada's cries retain traces of the other world. Just as Suikei's mother was leaving this world the cicada was entering it, so Issa may be suggesting to Suikei that even though his mother is dead her soul may communicate with him in this world and that he should listen very carefully even to the cries of insects.

Chris Drake


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Kagekiyo, Taira no Kagekiyo


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Kagekiyo, Taira no Kagekiyo 平景清
(? - 1196)

also known as Kazusa no Shichirō (上総 七郎), was a samurai of the Taira clan who took part in the Genpei War of Japan, against the Minamoto clan.

The son by birth of Fujiwara no Tadakiyo. His real name was Fujiwara no Kagekiyo (藤原 景清), but he was adopted by the Taira, and served them loyally the rest of his life, people called him Taira name. In 1156, he played a role in confirming Emperor Go-Shirakawa on the throne, and later, during the Genpei War, sought unsuccessfully to have the head of the Minamoto clan, Minamoto no Yoritomo, assassinated. He was captured at the battle of Dan-no-ura in 1185. In 1196, Kagekiyo then allowed himself to starve to death at the new capital of Kamakura.

Kagekiyo is perhaps most famous for his appearance in the eleventh chapter of the fictionalized epic Heike Monogatari (The Tale of Heike), in the section called "The Dropped Bow" (弓流). He grasps the neckguard of Minamoto warrior Mionoya no Jūrō in order to prevent his escape; Mionoya does escape Kagekiyo's grasp, hiding from battle behind a friendly mount. Then, Kagekiyo, leaning on his spear, exclaims "You must have heard of me long ago. See me now with your own eyes! I am the man known to the young city toughs as Akushichibyōe Kagekiyo of Kazusa!"
Kagekiyo then retires from battle, and is followed by his fellow Taira warriors, who seek to protect him.
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Shusse Kagekiyo 出世景清
Buyû no Homare Shusse Kagekiyo

Chikamatsu Monzaemon I ("Shusse Kagekiyo")
Fukuchi Ôchi ("Buyû no Homare Shusse Kagekiyo")

"Shusse Kagekiyo" was originally a 5-act Kabuki drama.

Summary - Act 1
The War between the Genji clan and the Heike clan was over in 1185. The Heike clan was completely defeated. Kagekiyo,the General of the Heike clan, hid himself at the chief priest of Atsuta Shrine in the province of Owari (now in the Nagoya City). The chief priest of Atsuta Shrine was a special friend of the Heike clan. During his stay there, Kagekiyo had fallen in love with Princess Ono, the daughter of the chief priest, and got married to her. But he couldn't bear the humiliation of the defeat.

One day Kagekiyo gets the news that Minamoto no Yoritomo,the supreme commander of the Genji clan, had appointed his follower Hatakeyama Shigetada to be the boss of the Reconstruction Bureau of the Giant Buddha's Pantheon of Tôdaiji Temple (which is going to be built in Nara). In fact, Shigetada is the right-hand man of Yoritomo. Then Kagekiyo decides to kill Shigetada first before his revenge upon his hateful enemy Yoritomo. So Kagekiyo dresses up like a laborer and goes into the construction spot. Kagekiyo gets a chance and tries to kill Shigetada but his plan fails. So he has to fight against many enemies. After the big fight he barely escapes from the enemies.


- Act 5
Yoritomo gives orders to have Kagekiyo beheaded, but Kagekiyo does not die. Instead the head from a statue of Kannon drops to the ground, and blood gushes forth from it. having witnessed this miracle, Yoritomo is so impressed by Kagekiyo, for whom even the Buddha shows compassion, not only does he spare Kagekiyo's life, he bestows on him the province of Hyûga. Kagekiyo, in turn, is moved by Yoritomo's magnanimity as he sets off for Hyûga.

source : www.kabuki21.com

. Shusse Daruma 出世だるま Career with Daruma .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Kagekiyo mo hanami no za ni wa Shichibyooe / Shichibyōe

even Kagekiyo
at the Hanami party is just
one Shichibyo

Tr. Gabi Greve

Hanami - cherry blossom viewing parties with
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


Kagekiyo wa jishuumatsuri ni mo Shichibyooe

at the Jishu festival also is just

. Tan Taigi 炭太祇 (1709 - 1771) .

. WKD : jishu matsuri 地主祭 Festival for Jishu Gongen .
on March 5


. Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 .
venerated as
ganbyoo no kami 眼病平癒の神 - Ganbyo Deity for eye diseases

The daughter of Samurai Taira no Kagekiyo 平景清 (? - 1194) is named
Hitomaru Hime 人丸姫
福岡県粕屋郡新宮町下府 / Fukuoka Hinomaru Shrine 人丸神社
- reference : lunabura.exblog.jp -


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Dazai Osamu


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Dazai Osamu 太宰治

(June 19, 1909 – June 13, 1948)

a Japanese author who is considered one of the foremost fiction writers of 20th-century Japan.

Dazai was born Shūji Tsushima (津島修治, Tsushima Shūji),
the eighth surviving child of a wealthy landowner in Kanagi, a remote corner of Japan at the northern tip of Tōhoku in Aomori Prefecture. His father was a member of the House of Peers and was thus often away from home, and his mother was chronically ill after having given birth to 11 children, so he was brought up mostly by the servants.

Tsushima was sent to Aomori Prefectural Aomori High School and Hirosaki for higher school. An excellent student and an able writer even then, he edited student publications and contributed some of his own works. His life only started to change when his idol writer Ryūnosuke Akutagawa committed suicide in 1927.

Postwar career
In the immediate post-war period, Dazai reached the height of his popularity.

He depicted a dissolute life in postwar Tokyo in Viyon no Tsuma (Villon's Wife, 1947). The narrator is the wife of a poet, who has abandoned her. She takes a job for a tavern keeper from whom her husband has stolen money. Her determination to survive is tested by hardships, rape and her husband's self-delusion, but her will is not broken.

In July 1947 Dazai's best-known work, Shayo (The Setting Sun, translated 1956) depicting the decline of the Japanese nobility after World War II was published, propelling the already popular writer into a celebrity. This work was based on the diary of Shizuko Ōta (太田静子). Ōta was one of the fans of Dazai's works and first met him in about 1941. She bore him a daughter Haruko (治子) in 1947.

Always a heavy drinker, he became an alcoholic; he had already fathered a child out of wedlock with a fan, and his health was also rapidly deteriorating. At this time Dazai met Tomie Yamazaki (山崎富栄), a beautician and war widow who had lost her husband after 10 days of married life. Dazai effectively abandoned his wife and children and moved in with Tomie, writing his quasi-autobiography Ningen Shikkaku (人間失格, No Longer Human, 1948, translated. 1958) at the hot-spring resort Atami.

Ningen Shikkaku deals with a character hurtling headlong towards self-destruction, all the while despairing of the seeming impossibility of changing the course of his life. The novel is told in a brutally honest manner, devoid of all sentimentality. The book is one of the classics of Japanese literature and has been translated into several foreign languages.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Shayokan - Osamu Dazai Memorial Hall  斜陽館

A magnificent house built by Dazai’s father, Genemon Tsushima, in 1907 (two years before Dazai was born). Constructed in a semi-Western style with a half-hipped roof, the entire house (including a rice granary) is built with Aomori cypress wood and characterized by its massive architectural style.

Designated as an important national cultural property, it is also a valuable wooden structure built during the Meiji period. A favorite cloak worn by Dazai, his writing utensils, handwritten manuscripts and letters are displayed in the exhibition room within the rice granary, where video programs are also shown. This memorial hall provides a rare opportunity for visitors to learn about Dazai during his childhood years.

source : dazai.or.jp/en/spots


Dazai committed suicide on June 13, 1948.

Ootoo Ki 桜桃忌 (おうとうき) (Cherry and Peach Day)
Dazai-Ki 太宰忌(だざいき) Dazai Memorial Day
observance kigo for mid-summer

. WKD Saijiki : Memorial Days of Famous People .


Dazai bentoo だざい弁当 / 太宰弁当 lunchbox a la Dazai

sold at at the train station
Goshokawahara station Aomori 青森県五所川原市

Includes all the local dishes which the author had loved, especially thin bamboo shoots (nemagaridake 根曲がり竹), Herring and scallops boiled in soy sauce and many other delicacies.

. WASHOKU - dishes from Aomori prefecture .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Dazaiki ya ame no shirabe wa uta no yoo

Dazai Memorial Day -
the melody of the rain
is almost like a song

Uemura Sengyo 上村占魚
(1920 - 1996) Haiku Poet from Kumamoto


Ootooki karari to harete shimai keri

Dazai Memorial Day
all of a sudden
the weather clears up

Katayama Yumiko 片山由美子
(1952 - ) Haiku Poetess from Chiba


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- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -


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Abe Midorijo 阿部みどり女 (1886 - 1980)

Abe no Nakamaro 阿倍仲麻呂 (698-770) - Kentoshi

Abe no Sadato 安倍貞任 - (1019 – 1062) - Heian period general in Tohoku

Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1002) Onmyooji, Onmyo 陰陽師

. Adams, William Adams "Miura Anjin" 三浦按針 . - (1564 - 1620)

. Adachi clan 安達氏 - 安達盛長 Adachi Morinaga ((1135 – 1200) .
安達景盛 Adachi Kagemori

Aida Mitsuo Aida 相田 みつを (1924-1991) and his museum
source : mitsuo.co.jp/museum

Aihachi 愛八 Geisha of Maruyama, Nagasaki

AKAHIKO, Shimaki Akahiko 島木赤彦 (しまき あかひこ)
1876年(明治9年)12月17日 - 1926年(大正15年)3月27日 March 27)
Akahiko Ki 赤彦忌

Akamura - see Akkamura Shunsaku

Akazome Emon 赤染衛門 (956 – 1041) - Waka poetess

Akazuka Jitoku 赤塚自得 (1831 - 1910) - craftsman - artist

AKB48 - idol girls group

. Akechi Mitsuhide 明智光秀 . killed Oda Nobunaga

Akimoto Fujio (1901-1977)

Aki no Boo 秋之坊 Akinobo, Aki no Bo, (? - 1718) Kanazawa

Akkamura Shunsaku 安家村俊作 / 佐々木俊作 Sasaki Shunsaku - (1810 - 1837) Farmer Rebellion in Iwate
菊池政美 Kikuchi Masami, his name in Hokkaido
- Sanhei Ikki Rebellion 三閉伊一揆 1792

Akokuso 阿古久曾 - Ki no Tsurayuki

Akutagawa Ryunosuke 芥川 龍之介 (1892 - 1927). - Gaki ki 餓鬼忌 
Kappa ki 河童忌, Chookoodoo ki 澄江堂忌

. ama 尼 Buddhist nun, Nonne .

. ama 海女 (あま) woman diver, Taucherin .

. Amakusa Shirō 天草四郎 Amakusa Shiro .  (1621? – April 12, 1638) Nagasaki

. Amidaboo Amida bō 阿弥陀坊 Amida Bo, Monk Amida .

ANGO, Sakaguchi Ango 坂口 安吾
February 17. 1906 - 1955) Novelist - Ango Ki 安吾忌 (あんごき)

. Annami 安阿弥 Korean statue carver .

Anno Mitsumasa 安野光雅 - Illustrator of children's books
- introduction on facebook -

Antoku Tenno 安徳天皇 and Senteisai Festisval 先帝祭

Aoki Getto (1879 - 1949) - Haiku poet

Aoki Konyoo 青木昆陽 Aoki Konyo (1698 - 1769)
- and the sweet potatoes cultivation

Aoki Mokubei 青木木米 (1767 - 1833) Painter and potter, Kyoto

Aoto Fujitsuna 青砥藤綱 - Kamakura period

Aoyagi Bunzoo 青柳文蔵 Aoyagi Bunzo (1761 - 1839)
- and the Aoyagi Bunko 青柳文庫 The Aoyagi Library in Sendai

Arakida Moritake 荒木田守武 (1473 – August 30, 1549)

Arii Shokyu-Ni(1713-1781) "the Nun Shokyu". Nagamatsu Nami, Kohakuan.
Kohakuan Fufuu, Arii Fufuu (1702 - 1762), her husband
Chomu (Choomu) 蝶夢 (1732 - 1796), a Buddhist priest
shookyuuni shokyuuni shokyu ni

. Arakawa Toyozoo 荒川豊蔵 Toyozo Arakawa . - Potter from Shino . (1894 - 1985)

Arima Akito 有馬 (1930 - )

Asai Nagamasa 浅井長政 (1545 – 1573) - Samurai

Asahina Saburo Yoshihide - 朝比奈三郎義秀 Strong Samurai of the Kamakura Period

. Asai Saryuu 浅井左柳 Asai Saryu - Genbei 源兵衛 . - disciple of Basho in Ogaki

Asano Naganori 浅野長矩 Takumi no Kami 内匠頭 -The Story of the 47 Ronin

Asano Yoshinaga 浅野幸長 (1576 – 1613) Samurai

. Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏 . (1305 - 1358)
Samurai - and the Ashikaga shogunate

Asti, Sergio and his Daruma Design (Sergio Asti)
セルジョ・アスティ. Italian Design

Aterui / Akuro-o / Acro-o アテルイ / 阿弖流爲 (? - 802) - leader of the Emishi
- - - - - "Lord of the Bad Road" 悪路王 Akuro-o

. Atsuhime, Atsu-Hime 篤姫 Princess Atsu
Tenshooin 天璋院 Tensho-In .
- (1836 - 1883)

Awano Seiho (1899-1992)

Ayame, Yoshizawa Ayame I - (1673 - 1729). Kabuki Onnagata 女形





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. Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko . - (1718 - 1759) political writer

Baigan 梅丸, haikai poet from Ogaki

Baisaoo, Baisaō 売茶翁 Baisao, "Old Tea Seller" Zen master
賣茶翁 (ばいさおう) / 高遊外 Ko Yugai. (1675 – 1763)

. - - Bakumatsu  幕末 foreigners in Japan - - .
Aime, Humbert Aime エメ アンベール (1819-1900)
William John Alt - (1840-1905) ウィリアム・オールト
Bird, Isabella Bird, Isabella Lucy Bird イザベラ・バード (1831-1904)
Richard Henry Brunton - (1841 – 1901) - "Father of Japanese lighthouses"
Ranald MacDonald - (1824 – 1894) - first English teacher
- - Kenneth Ross MacKenzie
- - James Mitchell
Laurence Oliphant - (1829 – 1888)
Wirgman, Charles Wirgman チャールズ・ワーグマン(1832 - 1891)
Ernest Satow - Sir Ernest Mason Satow (1843 - 1929) アーネスト・サトウ
Schliemann, Johannes Heinrich Schliemann ハインリヒ・ユリウス・シュリーマン (1822 - 1890)
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore エリザ・ルアマー・シドモア (1856 - 1928)
Suenson, Edouard Suenson エドゥアルド・スエンソン (1842 - 1921)
- - - - - Jack Seward (1924 – November 2010)

. Banjibanzaburo, Banji Banzaburo 万二万三郎 legendary Matagi hunter-brothers .

Bankei Yōtaku 盤珪永琢 Bankei Yotaku. Eitaku
(1622-1693) Zen priest

. Banzuii 幡随意(ばんずいい) Saint Banzuii (1542 - 1615) .

Banzuin Choobei 幡随院長兵衛 Banzuin Chobei, (1622–1657) a kyookaku 侠客
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Chobei of Bandzuin . and Hirai Gonpachi 平井権八 and Komurasaki 小紫

Basho, Matsuo Basho (1644 - 1694)
..... Basho Jittetsu
蕉門十哲 / 10 important Disciples of Matsuo Basho

Beato Felice Beato / Felix Beato フェリーチェ・ベアト (1832 – 1909)
Photographer in Japan

Benkei 弁慶 - Musashiboo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 retainer of Yoshitsune

Benkei Kozaemon 棟梁弁慶小左衛門 master carpenter, Edo

Bessho Nagaharu 別所長治 (1558 - 1580) - Samurai

Bidatsu 敏達天皇 Emperor Bidatsu - (538 - 585)

. Bigot Georges Ferdinand ジョルジュ・フェルディナン・ビゴー .
and Charles Wirgman (1832 - 1891) / Japan Punch

Big Spenders, the 18 Playboys of Edo (juuhachi daitsuu) 十八大通

. Bijin - Edo no bijin 江戸の美人 the beauties of Edo .

Bing, Siegfried Bing (1838 – 1905) - German art dealer
- source : wikipedia

Binzuru, the Arhat 賓頭盧, びんずる、びんづる ビンヅル

Bird, Isabella Bird (1831 - 1904) - Travel writer

Blum, Robert Frederick Blum (9 July 1857 – 8 June 1903) - painter
More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Bodhisenna, Bodhisena, Bodaisenna 菩提僊那 - (704–760) priest
..... Baramon Sojo 波羅門僧上 Barahman from India

Bojo Toshiki Born July 7, 1957

Bokusetsu 木節 (Kibushi) - Mochizuki Bokusetsu 望月木節

. Bokushi (460- 380 BC ?) . Chinese philosopher Mo Di (Mo Ti), better known as Mozi (Mo-tzu)

Borsi Roberto Borsi - tatoo artist Fudo

Bowie, Henry Pike Bowie ヘンリイ・パイク・ブイ  (1848–1921)
American lawyer, artist, author, Japanologist and diplomat.
- source : wikipedia

Boxer, Charles Martin Boxer (1904 -2000) (1904 -2000)
A Truly British Samurai

Brigid, Saint Brigid Ireland - St. Brigid (or Bridget, Brighid, Bridgid or Bríd)

Brinker, Helmut Heinrich Brinker (1939 - 2012)
Kunsthistoriker und Sinologe

Brinkley, Frank Brinkley. Francis Brinkley フランシス・ブリンクリー (1841 - 1912)
Irish newspaper owner, editor and scholar - The Japan Times

BUDDHA Shakyamuni Sidhartha Buddha

Bull, David Bull Woodblock Printmaker

Bukan 豊干 Feng-Kan Chinese Zen Monk

Bunsen, Woodblock Master ... around 1831

Busch, Wilhelm Busch (1832 - 1908) German Poet and Carricaturist

Busen sensei - Paintings Gallery

Buson, Yosa Buson (1715-1783) ... Painter and Poet
- - - - -
. Buson, 与謝蕪村 Yosa Buson in Edo - Cultural Keywords .

Busshi 仏師 ... - Buddhist sculptors Gallery

Butchoo, Butchō 仏頂和尚 / 佛頂和尚 Priest Butcho

Butsugai Fusen ... 1795~1867 Takeda Genkotsu Motsugi





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Chaya Shiroojiroo, Chaya Shirōjirō 茶屋四郎次郎 Chaya Shirojiro Kiyonobu
merchant - - - and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Chiba Eijiroo 千葉 栄次郎 Chiba Eijiro (1833 - 1862) - Swordsman, Little Tengu.

Chichibu Dono 秩父殿 Lord of Chichibu Domaine

Chikamatsu Monzaemon 近松門左衛門 (1653 – 6 January 1725)
Sugimori Nobumori, 杉森信盛. Scenario writer for Puppet Theater (bunraku)
Chikamatsu Ki 近松忌 - Soorin shi Ki 巣林子忌 - Soorin Ki 、巣林忌

CHIKUREI, Tsunoda Chikurei 角田竹冷
March 20. 1856-1919, Haiku Poet.
Chikurei Ki 竹冷忌 (ちくれいき) - Choousoo Ki 聴雨窓忌(ちょううそうき)

. Chikusai 竹斎 shabby doctor Chikusai .

Chiyo no Fuji 千代の富士 Chiyonofuji
Kokonoe Oyakata 九重親方, Sumo wrestler

少子部蜾蠃 Chisakobe no Sugaru - and Thunderbolt legends

Chisha Daishi 智者大師 Chigi ちぎ / 智ギ (538 - 597) - Tendai priest

Chisho Daishi Enchin 智證大師 圓珍 (814 - 891)

Chiyo-Ni (Chiyoni), Kaga no Chiyo jo (1703-1775)

Chookoo 長虹 Choko, priest in Nagoya

Choogen 重源 Priest Chogen (1121–1206)

Chōsokabe Motochika 長宗我部元親 and the Chosokabe clan - Tosa Shikoku
Motochika (1539 - 1599), 長宗我部信親 Nobuchika (1565 - 1587) . . .

Chuang-tzu, Zhuangzi 荘子 / 莊周 Sooshi, Sooji Chinese philosopher

CHUUKUU, Origuchi Shinobu 折口信夫 - Chuukoo Ki 迢空忌
September 3. 明治20年(1887年)2月11日 - 昭和28年(1953年)9月3日)
Shaki Chuukuu 釈迢空(しゃく ちょうくう)
Famous scholar of Japanese Learning.

Confucius, a Chinese Scholar Kooshi, Koshi 孔子

Cortazzi, Hugh Cortazzi  ヒュー・コータッツィ  (1924 - )- British diplomat and Japanologist

Curie, Madame Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934)





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Daidoozan Bungoroo, Daidôzan Bungorô 大童山文五郎 Daidozan Bungoro
(1788 - 1822) "Great Child Mountain" Sumo wrestler

Daishin Gitoo 大心義統 Daishin Gito (1657 - 1730) Zen priest, painter
source : Bachmann Eckenstein

Daiten 大顛和尚 High Priest at temple Engaku-Ji, Kamakura 円覚寺

DAITOO Kokushi 大燈国師 Priest Daito - (1283-1337)
Daitoo Ki 大燈忌

. Dantokuboo 檀特坊 / 壇特坊 Dantokubo, Dantoku-Bo .
Tengu priest from 天岩船 Amanoiwafune, Osaka

- - - Daruma san 達磨 だるま だる磨 and the Daruma Museum - - -

Darumagama だるま窯 Daruma Kiln and Maruyama Kenichi 丸山憲一 

Date Masamune 伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636) - Samurai

Dazai Osamu 太宰治 (1909 – 1948) - Writer

Den Sutejo 田捨女 - Teikan Ni 貞閑尼 (1633 - 1698) - Haiku Poetess

Dengyoo Daishi Saichoo 伝教大師最澄 (766-822). Priest
Dengyoo-E 伝教会

Denman Waldo Ross (1853-1935)
American painter, art collector, and scholar of art history and theory.
- source : wikipedia

Domon Ken 土門拳 - Photographer (1909 - 1990)

Donryuu 呑龍上人 Saint Donryu (556 - 1623)

Doo-En 道円 priest Do-En

DOPPO, Kunikida Doppo 国木田 独歩 - 15 July 1871 – 23 June 1908 - Novelist
Doppo Ki 独歩忌

Dookyoo, Dōkyō 道鏡 Monk Dokyo, Priest Dokyo (700 - 772)
Yuge no Dookyoo 弓削道鏡 Yuge no Dokyo

Dooyo Shoonin 道誉上人 Doyo Shonin - (1515 - 1574)
and Fudo Myo-O

Dow, Arthur Wesley Dow (1857 – 1922)
American painter, printmaker, photographer, and influential arts educator.
- source : wikipedia


Daruma san だるま 


