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Kuroda Kanbei Yoshitaka 黒田官兵衛 孝高
(1546 - 1604)
source : www.suzukine.com
He is the hero of the NHK drama for 2014.
- Gunshi Kanbei - 軍師官兵衛 Kanbei, the Strategist
source : m.sponichi.co.jp
Kanbei Daruma 官兵衛 だるま and
Ayase Haruka 綾瀬はるか, heroine of the NHK drama of 2013.
I hope to find some more Daruma as 2014 begins.
source : blog.goo.ne.jp/kuroda-bushi
Exhibition about Kuroda Kanbei
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Yoshitaka was the son of Kuroda Mototaka, a samurai originally from Bizen who ended up in the service of the Odera of Harima. The Odera were in fact nominally vassals of the Akamatsu, whose power by 1570 had ebbed to such an extent that Akamatsu Yoshisuke was essentially living under the protection of the Odera at Himeji.
Mototaka took the name of his new lords and rose to become one of the Odera chief retainers and the holder of Himeji Castle. In 1576, Mototaka's son Yoshitaka noted the rise of the Oda clan, and urged Odera Masamoto to make a pact with Oda Nobunaga, who was presently at war with the Môri clan. It happened that Masamoto favored the Môri - as did many of the other clans of the region - and made no overtures to Nobunaga. Kuroda therefore contacted Hashiba [Toyotomi] Hideyoshi and managed to secure an audience with Nobunaga in Kyôto himself. Nobunaga, who had already ordered Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide to march west, was pleased at what proved to be enthusiastic support on Yoshitaka's part. Harima was critical to the campaign against the Môri - both to aid in the isolation of the Ishiyama Honganji and as the gateway to Bizen and Mimasaka. Himeji was at the time not particularly impressive, but it's surrender to the Oda forces would force the Odera to follow suit, as well as, of course, the Akamatsu. After Yoshitaka's father had been convinced, this was just what happened.
Kuroda was a Christian, evidently thanks to Takayama Ukon, and was baptized with the name Dom Simeão. He had assisted Otomo as the latter was also a Christian, and had arranged for the rescue of the Jesuit Bungo mission when that province was being invaded by the Shimazu in 1584.
Kuroda Kanbei was a gifted strategist and a man of some charisma, noted for his decency of character and loyalty to Hideyoshi. At the same time he was crafty and never hesitated to advance the cause of his family, although his frankness on that score made him all the more colorful and endearing.
- source : www.samurai-archives.com
Kuroda Yoshitaka 黒田 孝高
(December 22, 1546 – April 19, 1604),
other name Kuroda Kanbei (黒田 官兵衛), was a Japanese daimyo of the late Sengoku through early Edo periods. Renowned as a man of great ambition, he was a chief strategist under Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He was a advisor to Hideyoshi.
Yoshitaka made an attempt to conquer the region of Kyūshū during the Battle of Sekigahara, but this ended up in failure.
He became a monk and assumed the name of
Josui. Josui and his son Nagamasa 長政 were awarded Chikuzen Province (now part of Fukuoka Prefecture) for their role in securing victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, thus commencing the history of the Fukuoka Domain.
After his son Nagamasa succeeded him, Yoshitaka died in 1604.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Kuroda Josui 西日本人物誌 黒田如水
CLICK for more images.
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崇福寺 福岡 Sofukuji Temple — Final Resting Place of the Kuroda Clan
NHK has announced it will air “Gunshi Kanbei” (Kanbei, the Strategist), a serial drama depicting Kanbei Kuroda, the founding father of Fukuoka, next year. Kanbei (aka Yoshitaka) was born in Himeji, Harima Province (now Hyogo Prefecture). Later, he became a monk and assumed the name of Josui. Josui and his son Nagamasa were awarded Chikuzen Province (now part of Fukuoka Prefecture) for their role in securing victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, thus commencing the history of the Fukuoka Domain.
The graves of Josui and Nagamasa are located at Sofukuji Temple in Chiyomachi, Hakata Ward. The spacious graveyard at the far end of the temple grounds is the final resting place for many of Hakata’s renowned merchants and politicians, but there are several large tombs in the area beyond the
Tosuimon Gate—these are the graves of Josui, Nagamasa and four other feudal lords of Fukuoka.
Sofukuji Temple, which was built in 1240 in Dazaifu, was moved to its current location by Nagamasa in 1601 to serve as the family temple. The temple’s Sanmon Gate also has deep ties to the Kuroda Clan: it was originally the Honmaru Omote-Gomon Gate, or main gate, of Fukuoka Castle. The
Karamon Gate was made from the remains of Najima Castle (in Higashi Ward), the first castle the Kuroda family built before erecting Fukuoka Castle.
In addition to these resplendent tombs, the temple grounds are also home to several Jizo statues, which are objects of worship for the general public. Local citizens come to pay their respects to the Jizo on a daily basis.
- source : fukuoka-now.com/feature
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NHK Taiga Drama 2014 to be Filmed in Fukuoka and Oita
It was announced the 2014 installment of taiga drama is to be filmed in Fukuoka and Oita! Taiga drama is the name NHK gives to its annual, year-long historical fiction television series broadcasted in Japan and worldwide.
The main character of the 2014 drama is
Kanbei Kuroda, a Japanese daimyo of the late Sengoku through early Edo period. Renowned as a man of great ambition, Kuroda was the chief strategist under Toyotomi Hideyoshi and a commander of a samurai army of the Fukuoka Kuroda domain.
Filming will take place at many historical spots in Fukuoka and Oita, and it’s anticipated that the drama will be a great PR opportunity for Fukuoka to be showcased to the world. Positive economic impact is expected from the filming. So, it’s time to get a head start studying the history surrounding Kuroda Kanbei!
For starters, you can visit his tomb is in Sofukuji Temple, Fukuoka City.
- source : fukuoka-now.com/new
- There will be a lot of regional souvenirs about Kanbei.
I will try and introduce some here, especially from
黒田官兵衛 五国巡り - 黒田サミット五都市連絡会
Digital souvenirs from 5 towns:

From Setouchi Bizen Fukuoka : a mug cup, senbei crackers and a clear file
備前:岡山県瀬戸内市 - JR長船駅
Ushimado 牛窓オリーブ園
Setouchi 瀬戸内市立美術館
Bizen Osafune 備前長船刀剣博物館
Bizen Fukuoka 備前福岡(妙興寺黒田家墓所)
Nagahama Town 長浜市「日本酒セット+醤油・ポン酢
Himeji Town 姫路市「ARAREコースター+黒田官兵衛 家紋コースター
. Nakatsu Town 中津市「くろかんくん巾着」 Kinchaku bags .

Fukuoka Town 福岡市「福岡を応援し隊 黒田かんべえくんグラス+麦焼酎 黒田八虎(福岡県産麦100%
Schnaps and a glass
- source : info.eki.sh/kurokan
Even toilet paper with the hero!
source : capricorn09928.blog84.fc2.com
akai kabuto 赤兜
his red helmet - a - Kanbei da あ!官兵衛だ and a pun to
akanbee あっかんべー pulling a face to someone
source : info.rurubu.travel/theme
Himeji and Kanbei 姫路の官兵衛
source : koukohaku.blogspot.jp
Harima and Kanbei 播磨の官兵衛
source : www.pref.okayama.jp/chiji
Fukuoka Kanbei Kun ふきおか官兵衛くん
source : 777hiroki777.blogspot.jp
Fukuoka started from here!
source : www.clubohk.tv/blog/meitou
Bizen Fukuoka Tee Shirts
source : www.city.himeji.lg.jp/koho/press/
Kanbei papermachee dolls from Himeji, made by 松尾隆, a papermachee doll maker family in the 5th generation 姫路はりこ.
Collection of Kuroda Bushi 黒田武士 Samurai dolls from Hakata
- source : www.47club.jp/41M-00001
The history of the old Hakata dolls dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. It seems that when the Lord
Kuroda Nagamasa built Fukuoka castle, Soshichi Masaki making ridge-end tiles for the castle developed his skills with forming and firing, and Masaki gave one of the figures he made to the head of the clan.
. Dolls from Hakata / 博多人形 .
His son was
Kuroda Nagamasa 黒田長政 , who was famous for his huge helmet with horns of a water buffalo.
It is said his wild attitude and the huge horns have become an inspiration for figure of Gozilla ゴジラ.

Nagamasa was rather wild as a young samurai, but when his father Kanbei made him head of the family, he changed his ways and became a well-loved leader, caring for his subordinates, including his "brother"
後藤又兵衛 Saito Matabei.
Nagamasa build the town of Fukuoka, and encouraged the making of Hakata dolls as a local speciality.
A famous image of Nagamasa and 24 of his most devote subordinate samurai.
- Reference - Japanese 黒田官兵衛 孝高 -
- Reference - English -
The family crest shows wisterias, the flowers he saw when in prison and fighting death.
It gave him hope to stay alive.
黒田忠之 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 – 1654)
. Raifukuji 来福寺 Raifuku-Ji - Tokyo .
This temple was founded in 1630 by 法印宥専大和尚,
on behalf of 筑前福岡2代藩主 黒田忠之 Kuroda Tadayuki, second Daimyo of the Chikuzen Fukuoka Domain.
Tadayuki had called priest 宥専 from Mount Koyasan, where he had venerated the statue of Yakushi Nyorai, also named 里俗子安薬師 Rizoku Koyasu Yakushi.
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